
Welcome Martaals, 👋 to peeps in Europe.

Yeah, lots of things are a little different from the US overhere. But chickens are chickens wherever they live. So a lot of the advices are interchangeable.

What kind of chickens/poultry/pets do you you have? How many?

Thanks! That's very true indeed. I already got some very useful help on chicken health, and as a nice bonus I've learned the colours of my chickens!

As you saw in my welcome thread I've got a little coop with 3 little ladies. 1 brahma bantam and 2 cochin bantam. The yare very sweet little ladies, and I'm looking very much forwards to get to know them. I ma curious to see if I could clicker train them. I did some clicker trainng with horses and cats, and I'm sure it could work well with chickens. First I will let them settle in a little, but slowly it could be fun to try!
Does anyone have any experience with that? I should probably start a new thread somewhere, as it isn't specific to the european.
I ordered it at Breker
Chicken math, it gets you every time! 😂
I hope you have as much fun building your new coop in the future, as I did building mine.
I just bought this one while it was sale for 22 Eurosügeltränke_30L.html

Chicken math... oh yes... I am getting ready to put 70+ eggs in the incubator on Sunday. 70!!! Ok.. not all for me... only 25 are for me. but still... excitement, excitement!!!

And Erba, you do have a beautiful coop and set up! Congratulations!!
I ma curious to see if I could clicker train them. I did some clicker trainng with horses and cats, and I'm sure it could work well with chickens. First I will let them settle in a little, but slowly it could be fun to try!
Does anyone have any experience with that? I should probably start a new thread somewhere, as it isn't specific to the european.

Oh my new friend....there are many articles written on "how to train your chicken". Click on the "Articles" tab and then click on search. I only entered the phase "training chickens" and the results were 10 pages of articles.....enjoy reading!

We trained our ladies. When we bring out special treats, we just call out, "Chick, chick, chick" and they come a running. But if we just go out to change the water or sit with them, they go about their merry way. Plus they know their own name!. If you say a name, they stop, and look at you. I tell my children that the hens listen better than they do!
Oh my new friend....there are many articles written on "how to train your chicken". Click on the "Articles" tab and then click on search. I only entered the phase "training chickens" and the results were 10 pages of articles.....enjoy reading!

We trained our ladies. When we bring out special treats, we just call out, "Chick, chick, chick" and they come a running. But if we just go out to change the water or sit with them, they go about their merry way. Plus they know their own name!. If you say a name, they stop, and look at you. I tell my children that the hens listen better than they do!
Haha, I still have to find my way a little around how the forum works but I think I'm starting to get it.... and will apply the search function. I also found some stuff on Karen Pryors website.
But for now just picking them up and handling them is already training enough.

How did you teach them their names? I try to say their names every time I approach them, or repeatedly while holding them. Today Greta was taking a nap on my lap ❤, so I think she is feeling pretty relaxed. They all still get a little nervous when I am going to pick them up, so would be nice to teach them to step up onto the hand eventually.
Haha, I still have to find my way a little around how the forum works but I think I'm starting to get it.... and will apply the search function. I also found some stuff on Karen Pryors website.
But for now just picking them up and handling them is already training enough.

How did you teach them their names? I try to say their names every time I approach them, or repeatedly while holding them. Today Greta was taking a nap on my lap ❤, so I think she is feeling pretty relaxed. They all still get a little nervous when I am going to pick them up, so would be nice to teach them to step up onto the hand eventually.
You are on the right path if they are napping on your lap! It took a good 3 months of being with them before they understood their names. Each of my kids choose their own hen and named them. They then spent time with only their pet. It took about 4 weeks before they settled down enough that they did not go running off in every direction. But each of the kids held their pullet, petting them, talking softly to them and repeatedly saying their name. My oldest daughter (12) is the only one who is able to hold all three, besides myself. My son calls me the chicken whisper, but I just know how to handle them and what calms them down. So just keep doing what you are doing and before you know it, they will be all over you!
You are on the right path if they are napping on your lap! It took a good 3 months of being with them before they understood their names. Each of my kids choose their own hen and named them. They then spent time with only their pet. It took about 4 weeks before they settled down enough that they did not go running off in every direction. But each of the kids held their pullet, petting them, talking softly to them and repeatedly saying their name. My oldest daughter (12) is the only one who is able to hold all three, besides myself. My son calls me the chicken whisper, but I just know how to handle them and what calms them down. So just keep doing what you are doing and before you know it, they will be all over you!

Super nice to hear your approach! And with the children I can imagine it is very effective to focus on one chicken each. We of course all try to interact with all of them, but then it's good to coordinate a little what to do. So will definitely continue saying their names repeatedly. For now we still haven't let them loose in the garden, so in the confined outside area of the coop they are quite contained and can't run really far. It might be a different story when we let them on a bigger area. Will see!

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