
In the Brooder
Sep 18, 2019
Hi! I have 2 pekins and a mallard. My male pekin recently started limping and I don’t know what to do! When I felt his leg I didn’t feel any breaks and it wasn’t any hotter than the other leg. There aren’t any noticeable callouses on the bottom of his foot, so I don’t think it’s bumble foot. His foot is all folded up, and he hops on his good foot while dragging the back one behind him to walk. He can’t move his leg at all. Does anyone know what might cause this? I lost a mallard to an animal over the summer and I couldn’t bear losing my Monroe too

I’m not old enough to drive yet and there’s nobody who can take him to the vet for me but he means a lot to me and I just want him to be ok:(

Sorry the lighting in the picture isn’t the best but hopefully it’ll help to figure out what’s wrong.

Thanks for the help! ☹️❤️


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:welcome very sorry your going through this with your drake. The pic isn't very good is there anyway you can get a better one and maybe a video of him? To do a video you'll have to put it on You tube or Vimeo then copy and paste here. Did you feel up at the top of the leg where it meets the body for dislocation? compare to other leg
Hi Miss Lydia. These are my first ducks so I don’t have a lot of experience with these things :( I’m not sure what it would feel like if his leg was dislocated. I can try to get another picture or video, but I’ll have to wait until later today because my sister-in-law takes care of them during the week while I have school, but she’s at work right now.
i will not diagnose your drake since we are not vets, but if you can get a video an better pic maybe we can help. In the mean time I’d place him where his movement is restricted so he isn’t make this worse. Have you ever given him any supplements and what are you feeding? How old is your boy?
i will not diagnose your drake since we are not vets, but if you can get a video an better pic maybe we can help. In the mean time I’d place him where his movement is restricted so he isn’t make this worse. Have you ever given him any supplements and what are you feeding? How old is your boy?

We got him in early April from Tractor Supply and the people said they were about one week so he’s about 24 weeks. His female friends of the same age started laying about a week ago as well. He and the other two share a coop and live with my sister-in-law’s chickens so he eats their food and of course whatever he finds in the grass since they’re free range. I’ve never given them any supplements and I have done some research considered my poor Monroe having niacin deficiency☹️ I’ll have my sister-in-law keep him in the coop (there’s a small run attached that he can stay on the ground in) and I’ve heard that it helps to keep them in the water a lot when this happens so we’re already doing that. I’ll text her for another picture and a video as well. Thank you for all your help so far, I’m just so worried!
Do you think this could be an injury? when did you first notice this and has he had problems walking before now.
Niacin deficiency is can be a serious problem which can lead to lameness but it's usually both legs which makes me wonder if he is injured. How high off the ground is the coop is there a ramp? can he get into the pool with out having to leap or get out with out jumping?
Do you think this could be an injury? when did you first notice this and has he had problems walking before now.
Niacin deficiency is can be a serious problem which can lead to lameness but it's usually both legs which makes me wonder if he is injured. How high off the ground is the coop is there a ramp? can he get into the pool with out having to leap or get out with out jumping?

The ramp for the coop is about two feet high but I don’t think that’s the issue because he’s never gone up it or even tried to go up before. We only got the coop a week or so ago so he’s still unsure (most of the chickens are new because our original flock of four ducks and six chickens was attacked overnight in the summer as I’ve mentioned on my first post. We lost 5 chickens and my second mallard, Blue. We have had the remaining ducks and chicken in a large dog crate in a barn since. We got the coop because the chicken and ducks started laying, plus we got 5 new chickens to make up for the ones we lost.)

He’s never had any issues walking. My brother said that he was running and chasing my mallard when his limp started, so maybe he pulled something? Maybe he stepped on something?

We don’t have a baby pool for them to play in right now but we’ve been filling the big black Rubbermaid tub we had them in as ducklings for them to swim in. He does have to jump to get out though as the top isn’t very close to the ground. We haven’t been filling it as high to try to prevent him from jumping out, but he still tries to jump out from the inside.
Tub time is very good for them because it relieves pressure off the legs help them keep their muscles strong while they recuperate if an injury but he needs a way in an out safely ducks legs aren’t the strongest to begin with. So possibly chasing your Mallard he may have over extended and has a bad sprain or he could have stepped into a hole. So rest pool time and support with vitamins I suggest liquid b Complex in liquid. TSC has the best one it is in the cattle dept and can be given orally over a treat. What ever he loves a lot so he gets full dose 1 ml to start. Peel the foil off the bottle and use a dropper to pull out 1 ml. This won’t be an overnight healing it will take time but if it is a sprain he will heal. What do you feed your ducks?

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