People biting rooster...need advice

Now ya know that sometimes I post excerpts from mags and books, here's the latest book.

Minnie Rose Lovgreens recipe for raising chickens. Heres' her comment on roosters.

" The rooster can also act as referee. When two hens start fighting, the rooster will go between them and settle the fight.
Then if they're not satisfied and start fighting again, he'll go back over and talk to them again, to say, "shame on you" and then they quit.
If two roosters get fighting hard, the only way I can do is to take a board and slap one of them in the face. I did that one time
and the rooster never did know what hit him, so he gave up fighting.
I had one too that pecked at my legs, so I swatted him with a piece of board. He watches out for me now".

There ya have it some age old wisdom from Minnie. 1888-1975

Love ya

Just awesome, Rancher!
I had to read that aloud to my husband and we just laughed.
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My young RIR roo was doing was like a "hello" he was never played with as a chick to have been confused to who he is but he's always been real friendly but his hello peck was drawing blood so my dh grabbed him when he tried to get me and about choked him to death..nothing kind or nice when his eyes were about to bulge and he was gasping for air he let him go...Mr Red is now a changed man.He stands and waits for me to say hello to him..and no I don't bite the rooster...while it's alive that is

We won't have a roo with attitude around here..have enough with the kids. We did have one of those referee roos and they are super to have funny to watch though.
Cock-a-doodle-stew! It isn't as hard as you would think it is. We had a similar problem and this turned out to be the best solution.
Sounds like he need some discipline. No flames pleaser, but when I was scared to death of our biting and nasty rooster as a child my grandpa gave me a bucket and I would smack him with a Worked pretty well.
I tried some of the things you folks posted and the roo straightened up a lot. He has been rehomed now. I hope he's behaving himself!
It's hilarious that he follows you all around. He's still young but one time one of my young ones did that and I grabbed him by the neck and shook it firmly (but not hard). He hasn't done it since. If a rooster gets into outright attacking all the time, I'd get rid of him. Yours seems like he'll work out though.
I'm so glad I found this post bc my 3 month old Partridge Plymouth Rock has just started this. He did it twice in one day and the second time he did it I grabbed him by the neck and pinned him to the ground. I didn't know what to do but he ****** me off lol. Then I came in a got to researching. We have a 4 yr old son and I don't want a mean rooster. We thought we had all hens but he got huge and started crowing. We decided to keep him anyways and he is beautiful. I don't want to get rid of him or eat him. We picked them u a lot when they were chicks and we let them out a lot and talk to them and pet them so I had no idea why he was acting like this. I was actually squatted down petting him when he did it and he turned around quick and bit the crap out of me. It wasn't a peck and he held on until I made him let go. He didn't break skin but my hand was red for about an hour with an indention in it. I pick him up a lot and walk around the yeard with him so he really surprised me. I wasn't sure if he was starting to get protective of the hens bc they should start laying in the next couple of months or if he is just going to be a mean roo. But with my son around we CANNOT have a mean rooster. I have already been trying some of the things mentioned and will take all the previous posts advice. Fingers crossed.

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