Pet names that are just plain weird?

Hey JB,

I got a Bug the cat too. Used to belong to the neighbor, but didn't like her original name "Sasha", so she dumped them and moved in with me.

My 5 EE hens have slightly odd names: Poopy face,broken toe,pluckers,stripe,and no-name.
We have all kinds of names at my house. We have a barred rock named Bob-Diddle-Dumb-Fart, she is the meanest chicken ever (my brother named her:idunno)
We have a Hawk Attack, Moma, and OCD Moma, Kevin which is a girl, and a Pickles also a girl. We have a pair of black east indie ducks and the drake is evil so I call him Lucifer.
We also have a black cat named Chessie after the "Chessie cat" from the Chesapeake (sp?) and Ohio trains.
One of my friends has a Mastiff named Pooky and a Mastiff/ Burmese Mountian Dog mix named Pixie.
How about a trio of cats named Squirrel, Rat, and Mouse? Did that once. A family member still has two of them. The third was rehomed to a different relative years ago.

I have a dog named Nero. He's actually a very sweet dog and not at all like the famous emperor. The name doesn't fit but another family member gave it to him in the one week they had him before passing him on to me.

I have a quail roo named Randy...because he is so randy I can't leave him with any other birds. He is too hard on them (and if with the boys, he turns them into prison wives and tears them up, too).

When I was small we had a dog named BUSTER. I believe my grandparents didn't like him very much. The name was not always said with great love. the dog was a bit of a brat, ROFL. He got rehomed OFF a farm...
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I have a california white hen named Ducky
A cat named KiKi
A cat names Scamp
A cat named Scrap
A dog named Daisy Mae
A dog named Roscoe
A dog named Basil
A crested Mallard drake name Sir Edward Duckel, and his older Cayuga wife, the Lady Duckel. Or just Edward and Lady

The cat I usually refer to as Meow Ze Dong. Yep.

I have an EE named Seven, and one named Nigel, and one named Kevin, and one named Acru...And now one cripple one named Forrest.
My poor EE cockerel went through most of his life known as Lavender
but he has since recovered his manliness. (it seems the EEs get the most 'creative' names)
Also, a BSL cockerel was called Starfish till he crowed. My buck rabbit was Silverado, yes as in the truck, and my doe is Felicity. OH, and a white Rock named Honky
My dog's AKC registered name is Summerwinds Anutara Gossip Column and her call name is Scandals. Her dam's name is Secret and her sire's name is Gossip - so when you tell a secret to a gossip you get: A SCANDAL!

(us dog show people can be a little strange)
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Big fat buff cochin - Tulipoosian
Turkey - Victor VonStoodenhiemmer
Crested Khaki - Travis Aflac Pompadore
Fat partridge cochin - Fatty Fatty 2 x 4
Doberman - Weiner
Aus. Shep. - Munchie
Sebbie - Lonnie Boosher
Tiny call duck - Micro
I have a goldfish named Vomit (sister named it) because she was brown when she was little. Now she's gold. I also have a dojo loach named Snot.

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