Pet roo turning nasty....

I had a big cochin roo and I really like the boy, but finally he was attacking everything in sight, me, my kids ect. I tried to work with him a little bit, but he just wanted to fight. Finally had to cull him. Sad day but I am not looking over my shoulder in the yard.
It seems that most roos show their true colors when they hit a year old and opposite of what some say, genetics do play some role in animal behavior. You also need to factor in how the roos are treated. IMHO cuddled roos will tend to get more hostile as adults while roos that are kept at a distance are more tolerant.

I have 2 White Rocks and 2 Silver Sebrights. One of the SS roos has it in his head that he can take me and I often get bumped in the back of my leg. He does that and then usually gets a toss as the other roos look at me with the "We're not with him" expression.

My White Rock roos Kurt and Kyle are not ones to be held and have never been aggressive with me or anyone else. They accept me at least as the head roo and while in my role as head rooster they are not allowed to mount any hens in my presence doing so gets them a peck or a chase. They will come up and take treats from my hand and then give them to their girls. At a year of age they are really good roos.

My SS roos? A different story. If they weighed more than a pound it'd be an issue.

As for your problem I do suspect that you're having a problem because of broody hens.
Yeah this sucks. I got three american game roos and one of them is a vicious little mofo. All three are separated from all the hens but I think its going to make him more aggressive. Since he is no longer in the main coop with the ladies I can literally walk around freely. Sad part is my guard was so used to being up im constantly looking over my shoulder even tho he is locked up.
Ok first let me clarify some things....

I DID NOT go all as was said lovey dovey or play kissy poo with him. I picked him up to check for lice, mites and etc...

I call him a "pet" as in, he is not for meat and would let me handle him. I have another roo i can I can check etc..and he is fine.

Maybe I said it wrong when I said pet. I have never sat and "cuddled" this roo or my other one. The other one is fine and no the roos are not together. Or even close.

I did not raise this rooster, so I don't know if he was cuddled and snuggled or not.

So sorry if I got people in a twist over the term "pet roo". As I said I consider them pets as none are for eating.

I'm not ashamed to say that I do have a pet roo who I carry around on occasion. He is over 2 years old and he has never kicked me once. But I have had a couple of roosters who who were kickers and it probably would have helped if they were more afraid of me. Roosters can just be unpredictable.
I've often wondered about that with roos, if the attempts to tame them might backfire badly. I haven't raised a statistically significant sample of roos to maturity though, so I don't know.

Regarding the human-aggressive roo however, we've only had one that turned aggressive. After he spurred me in the thigh he became chicken stew. If you happen to be stooped over working on something and an aggressive roo gets a lucky shot, you could lose an eye.

There are SO MANY good roosters out there--rooster who will protect their flock, but have never before attacked a human. The two roos that we have now are very nice--they watch over the hens, cluck to call the hens over if they find some nice food, and are perfect gentlemen around the humans.

There's no reason to put up with a dangerous roo.
forgot a few details--YES, the roosters still behave in the presence of broody hens and baby chicks. Other detail, if anyone is keeping notes, we don't regularly handle our chickens.
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Kitt, I'm sorry if anyone, including me, made you feel bad about it.

Right now I am raising up a young cockerel named TJ to replace his father who will have to be culled for humane reasons (he's in pain with a bad leg). It is sooooo hard for me not to handle TJ, he's a sweetheart just like his dad. Still, after having a bad experience with a babied roo, I won't go through that again.

Again, sorry.
Kitt, I'm sorry if anyone, including me, made you feel bad about it.

Right now I am raising up a young cockerel named TJ to replace his father who will have to be culled for humane reasons (he's in pain with a bad leg). It is sooooo hard for me not to handle TJ, he's a sweetheart just like his dad. Still, after having a bad experience with a babied roo, I won't go through that again.

Again, sorry.

No grit it wasn't you. I just made an error in calling him pet and wanted to clarify things. You and I have talked about this roo and i ffeel good about the decision i have/had to make. and your help was awesome. Thanks again grit and I left you a msg.

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