Photo Critique Club

Post #1300 go look at it and vote below

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They are cell phone photos and that's the best angle I could get from where I was (walkway) to were he was (on top of a waterfall
To give you an idea of what I was working with (and yes I got as close as I could)

To give you an idea of what I was working with (and yes I got as close as I could)

View attachment 3191116
Yeah, that's kind of the drawback with a cell cam. Yes, it can zoom and look decent when you look at it on your phone, but you're still limited by the size of the optical sensor. The more you zoom the worse the image quality ends up being because there's only so many pixels you're going to be able to jam into a physical image sensor smaller than your pinkie nail.
Voted! Though it was hard. Would of been easier if I knew what your home decor and wall looks like. Say nothing about the picture going on the wall, but what does it look like on the wall? Does it clash anywhere? Do it match the theme of the house? #1 would look great on a wall, but not if the wall is red. What size are you getting? Even that could matter. I just voted on what pictures I liked the best, but depending on your overall appearance of your wall, decor, and theme, not even picture would be a winner.

What do you mean at your cost?
Voted! Though it was hard. Would of been easier if I knew what your home decor and wall looks like. Say nothing about the picture going on the wall, but what does it look like on the wall? Does it clash anywhere? Do it match the theme of the house? #1 would look great on a wall, but not if the wall is red. What size are you getting? Even that could matter. I just voted on what pictures I liked the best, but depending on your overall appearance of your wall, decor, and theme, not even picture would be a winner.

What do you mean at your cost?
Wow, you went way deeper into it than you probably needed to. I have plenty of multicolored walls to hang stuff on so that's not a huge issue and neither is size. I can make things work. Vote for the one you'd enjoy on your wall, really.

"My cost" is what It costs me to have one of these printed (what I have to pay the print shop). That is not the price I would charge a client for one. There would be a markup to cover my time and expenses and put a little bit of profit in them (so I'm not working for free).
Wow, you went way deeper into it than you probably needed to. I have plenty of multicolored walls to hang stuff on so that's not a huge issue and neither is size. I can make things work. Vote for the one you'd enjoy on your wall, really.

"My cost" is what It costs me to have one of these printed (what I have to pay the print shop). That is not the price I would charge a client for one. There would be a markup to cover my time and expenses and put a little bit of profit in them (so I'm not working for free).
Well..... :lol: You gotta think of those things. I voted #1 and #2. #1 is something I'd sell. Maybe in a hospital if you do that. #2 I'd hang on my wall. (I know of a nice spot it'd fit, too, lol.)

Ok. How do you find places like that? I only go through Walmart at the moment, and sometimes Shutterfly, but there's no profit if I wanted to.

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