Photo Critique Club

Post #1300 go look at it and vote below

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Well..... :lol: You gotta think of those things. I voted #1 and #2. #1 is something I'd sell. Maybe in a hospital if you do that. #2 I'd hang on my wall. (I know of a nice spot it'd fit, too, lol.)

Ok. How do you find places like that? I only go through Walmart at the moment, and sometimes Shutterfly, but there's no profit if I wanted to.
I like to use Mpix. Fracture is nice for having things printed on glass. El-Co is good for reasonably priced poster size prints.
Well..... :lol: You gotta think of those things. I voted #1 and #2. #1 is something I'd sell. Maybe in a hospital if you do that. #2 I'd hang on my wall. (I know of a nice spot it'd fit, too, lol.)

Ok. How do you find places like that? I only go through Walmart at the moment, and sometimes Shutterfly, but there's no profit if I wanted to.
Well there IS profit. You just have to mark it up to make money. You have to be careful though to balance your pricing for what your market will handle. Mpix, Bay Photo, and even costco do metal prints (costco has limited sizing). Mpix and Bay both do great, I've used both in the past. I have not tried costco's, I should. I use a service local to me that charges on par with mpix and bay, but I save on the shipping that way (though with gas prices it could be a wash there...). I like to stay local as much as I can because I want to support local small businesses. Bay and mpix aren't exactly mega corporations so I don't have any qualms about using them either, but they're my second choice if my local service can't do what I need or they have a full schedule and I'd miss a deadline waiting for a spot.

Any way to make this photo look a bit better? Maybe a little more rustic?

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