Photo Critique Club

Post #1300 go look at it and vote below

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Took this picture of my silky rooster a few days ago.
IMG_1787 (2).JPG
This is a picture of my OEGB chick. It was in this years calender and although I really like the picture I found this one thing and every time I look at it now I can’t help but notice it and it bothers me. I guess it’s not that bad but I want to see if I’m the only one that sees it. I think you can see it more in the calendar but it might just be me over criticizing myself lol. View attachment 3158062

I'll get more pictures tomorrow, this thread is fun!
The blade of grass on the left and top right corner.
I'd clean the background for starters. Anything that's unnatural should be removed. For something quick and easy, just have him go forward a bit and move your position to remove a lot of the fencing and other things in the background. Then go lower to add distance to your background and to make your rooster look more elegant.
Miss Lacy is pretty good at this game.🧐
Slight disclaimer:

Please accept my apolgies in advance if my comments seem overly harsh when giving feedback. I tend to write very clinically when making suggestions and it can come off as cold or harsh. That is 100% not my intent and I do try to soften it, but mileage varies from person to person on how good I am at that. :) I do not mean to poo on anyone's efforts and I am genuinely trying to help improve your shots. Please take it with the intent, and not with the "what a jackwagon!" response if it seems harsh. You can also tell me I'm being a meanie too. I'm used to it. :p
This is against the rules.

This thread is not about hurting feelings and if you're feelings are going to get hurt then move along and don't post your not-so-good picture to begin with.
Please critique! I know its not a great background and there is probably to much goldish color in the picture. It doesn't make them pop out as much. Not to mention the giant pinecone!
View attachment 3158412
The color looks fake. Are you using some kind of filter If so turn it off.

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