Pickle the Silkie

Nice, she will be very happy 😊 I had beta fish when I was younger. Do you have a picture of her bowl!
I am working on getting her in the water in the bowl. I heard if they go in to fast they would go into shock and die. So I am being very careful. 16598183689771270462655019154618.jpg
Hmmm I didn't know that, glad you researched before you put her in there. Have you ever had fish before?
When I was a little kid I had a bunch of beta fish over the course of the years. But my mom gave me some advice too. I know virtually nothing about goldfish. 😂
Sorry I've never heard of either 😕
I just learned about Indigo Egg. It's got some really amazing quality silkies in the pictures online. And Heartland Hatchery is where I got Pickles. But Pickles was supposed to be a girl and he isn't even an official color. But it's closer and they won't have to ship because we can drive there.

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