Pigeon acting off. Odd poop?

I made a warm tub for her and she pooped so that's good, but I'm wondering if some of these pieces of poop are actually egg?


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I made a warm tub for her and she pooped so that's good, but I'm wondering if some of these pieces of poop are actually egg?
It's hard to tell from a photo, but you might be right. I took some pieces that looked like that to the vet and they examined them under a microscope and tried to disolve them in some solutions and told me it was egg and egg shell material.
She isn't acting that far off from the first time Penguin went broody. She definitely has her broody squeak now, and she pooped a lot overnight in the cage. She drank and pooped a lot. but she didn't eat anything. I am going to put her back out with the other ducks now, and I will just keep monitoring her weight.
So now it has definitely been at least 24 hours since she has eaten something, she tried to catch one fly but other than that seems uninterested in eating. She's pretty much just been hanging out in the coop since I put her out, but just standing around in the coop. How long can she go without food before she has to be force fed? I tried calling the vet but they are closed until Monday morning.
I set up the coop camera to record onto my computer overnight, I just watched it over and she did not eat anything last night, and did not come out of the coop this morning, just sitting by the waterer in there.
I am really worrying about her, she hasn't left the coop all day she has just been sitting in front of the waterer. Drinking and pooping a lot, but she hasn't eaten at all. She is grooming and she isn't straining or appearing to be trying to push an egg out. Just not eating, and now it's been 48 hours since she has eaten anything. I can call the vet tomorrow and hopefully they will be able to squeeze her in. How long until she needs to be force fed something? It looks like her caruncles are starting to look less red and more orange and a little paler.
48 hours is a long time for a bird. I would definitely call your vet and let them know how long it has been since she has eaten. My duck had only not eaten for a day (that we had noticed) when we took her in and she was already showing signs of dehydration. My vet had me start tube feeding her immediately.

My duck was also drinking a lot, btw.

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