Pigeon paring?


Mar 7, 2021
I have 3 pigeons. Two nest mates who are around 2 months old, the third bird is a 8 month old male. He seems lonely and like he’s looking for a mate (even sporadically attacking the younger two). Should I get him a mate? or should I wait for the other two to get older he can pair with the female? also when they do get older do I have to get them mates too or will the nest mates stay bonded together? Not looking for babies, just a few happy pigeons!
It'll probably be easiest in my opinion to have everyone paired up :D not knowing the younger two's age can make a challenge though, what if they're both boys like your older one? I've had same sex pigeon pairs but it's not always a guarantee. You could get a hen for your older boy and hope the two nest mates pair up? Also!! Pictures :D I'd love to see the cuties!!!

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