PINK SHOWGIRL!!! County Fair Picture

Actually, I like it!

I called to my husband in the other room and told him about this. His first question was, "Why would anyone do that?" My answer was, "For the same reason people dye poodles."

I would never dye a chicken myself, but I have to honestly say that chicken looks good in pink! Of course, I like showgirls, anyway. My husband doesn't like silkies, turkens or showgirls, so this wasn't any more unattractive to him than one in a natural color.
LOL, actually there isnt a show-BOY rooster, its all either a show-girl hen or a show-girl rooster, dont know why its like that, but it is lol

edited to say i see yours is a joke too lol my bad
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This reminds me of the time I used a whitening HORSE shampoo on our silkie rooster and almost dyed him PURPLE!
It was so funny, but man were we freaking out, we washed him so many times to get it out, but if you looked for it you could still see the purple tinge on parts of his wings. Oh man that was embarressing!
One of my co-workers saw this same bird at the fair and was stunned. He'd never seen such a thing. Made for a fun topic at the company picnic!

Hope that pretty boy makes it to the Sevier county or Knox county fairs....

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