Pit bulls- evil. Golden retrievers- BEST DOGS EVER!!! :D:D

I can't help but join in this thread. I have an animal rescue. A very small animal rescue. Here is a pit/lab mix that I bottle fed from 3 weeks old...

She is the sweetest little girl. Very attentive, responsive, and follows me around everywhere.

I am SICK that I have to tell people that they can't adopt her because their address is in a town where there is a ban.

She's. Absolutely. Precious.
I am not in favour of the breed. I can understand that there are good people out there who really love their pit bull dog, and who put in the time and money to train and care for the dogs properly. If people do this then owning a pit bull is fine.

But the wider and more realistic picture is that many people are not doing this. This breed - and several others, can be very dangerous in the wrong hands and with people who don't know what they are doing. This breed has become a status symbol for 'tough guys' and its often associated with crime.

Its in this dogs instincts to fight and be dominant with other dogs. Also once a fight is started they are bred to keep going and go into a 'fight' mode which is very difficult to break. During this time the dog will ignore everything else around it.....even if its in bad pain.

Many breeds of dogs have been bred for hundreds of years for particular behavioural traits. A lab, to retrieve, a sheep dog to herd, a terrier to kill small vermin. These breeds can be trained not to do these things, but its always there in their make up and can surface at any time given the appropriate situation.

Sure smaller dogs can be aggressive and dangerous, but given the choice of an attack by a Yorkshire terrier or a pit bull, I know which one I would choose.

Having such a large, powerful and potentially dangerous animal as a common pet is not a good idea. Its like owning a firearm. In the right hands there is no danger to other people, but in the wrong hands it can be deadly.

If people stopped breeding this type of dog then the breed would naturally die out and there would be no more problem.
If people stopped breeding this type of dog then the breed would naturally die out and there would be no more problem.
OK, I understand your points and respect that, but If I'm taking this part the right way, i'm a wee bit mad.

Are you saying you *want* them to die off, or it'd be a good thing? (before i make a rash descicion)
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actually, the trait that jak is applying to pitbulls (tenacity) is a trait of ALL terriers. Even to the smallest rat terrier, they are bred to take on animals several times their size and not give up until they have killed their prey.
actually, the trait that jak is applying to pitbulls (tenacity) is a trait of ALL terriers. Even to the smallest rat terrier, they are bred to take on animals several times their size and not give up until they have killed their prey.
That is true. I used to have a small terrier and he was very prey driven. If I was there it was OK, but I would have never left him alone with my pet rabbit or guinea pig! The poodle dog mix I have now could not care less about small animals and is often seen laying in my chickens coop with a chicken sitting on top of her!

If the pit bull breed did die out or 'go extinct' then it would solve all the pit pull problems. I am saying this as a joke as I know there is never any chance of this happening, but.......

maybe we should consider if many of the 'large potentially dangerous' breeds did go would it be so bad? All breeds are 'dogs' so pet dogs won't go extinct by loosing one breed. In fact many breeds are gone now, and more are always being created by breeders. Dogs were bred to do particular jobs, and now many of the traditional jobs for them are gone. Most people these days want a dog as a pet and companion - and while pit bulls can do this job, perhaps changing their breed and mixing in other kinds of dog will make the pit bull more suitable for every family and pet situation.
That is true. I used to have a small terrier and he was very prey driven. If I was there it was OK, but I would have never left him alone with my pet rabbit or guinea pig! The poodle dog mix I have now could not care less about small animals and is often seen laying in my chickens coop with a chicken sitting on top of her!

If the pit bull breed did die out or 'go extinct' then it would solve all the pit pull problems. I am saying this as a joke as I know there is never any chance of this happening, but.......

maybe we should consider if many of the 'large potentially dangerous' breeds did go would it be so bad? All breeds are 'dogs' so pet dogs won't go extinct by loosing one breed. In fact many breeds are gone now, and more are always being created by breeders. Dogs were bred to do particular jobs, and now many of the traditional jobs for them are gone. Most people these days want a dog as a pet and companion - and while pit bulls can do this job, perhaps changing their breed and mixing in other kinds of dog will make the pit bull more suitable for every family and pet situation.
Letting breeds die out won't solve the problem, because it doesn't address the cause of the problem at all. The cause of the problem is humans, from the useless drug abusing gang members that breed for aggression to the well meaning but incompetent pet owner that doesn't train their dog. If pit bulls died out, thugs would just get dobermans and dumb owners would get spaniels, and we'd have the exact same problems that we have now. We'd just have to demonize new breeds.
If the pit bull breed did die out or 'go extinct' then it would solve all the pit pull problems. I am saying this as a joke as I know there is never any chance of this happening, but.......

maybe we should consider if many of the 'large potentially dangerous' breeds did go would it be so bad? All breeds are 'dogs' so pet dogs won't go extinct by loosing one breed. In fact many breeds are gone now, and more are always being created by breeders. Dogs were bred to do particular jobs, and now many of the traditional jobs for them are gone. Most people these days want a dog as a pet and companion - and while pit bulls can do this job, perhaps changing their breed and mixing in other kinds of dog will make the pit bull more suitable for every family and pet situation.
You are aware any dog is "potentially Dangerous" right? Getting rid of pitbulls isn't going to solve any of the problems your addressing. People are just going to make another breed the next scapegoat. It is not the breeds fault. People the reason this breed is so feared. People choose to not train their dogs or even worse train them for more aggressive behaviors. The dogs are only trying to please their owners. While small dogs are nice I personally prefer large breeds.While I love my small dogs they don't serve any actual purpose besides companionship. While my large dogs make great companions, are protection, as well as have been a great benefit when dealing with predators.
That is true. I used to have a small terrier and he was very prey driven. If I was there it was OK, but I would have never left him alone with my pet rabbit or guinea pig! The poodle dog mix I have now could not care less about small animals and is often seen laying in my chickens coop with a chicken sitting on top of her!

If the pit bull breed did die out or 'go extinct' then it would solve all the pit pull problems. I am saying this as a joke as I know there is never any chance of this happening, but.......

maybe we should consider if many of the 'large potentially dangerous' breeds did go would it be so bad? All breeds are 'dogs' so pet dogs won't go extinct by loosing one breed. In fact many breeds are gone now, and more are always being created by breeders. Dogs were bred to do particular jobs, and now many of the traditional jobs for them are gone. Most people these days want a dog as a pet and companion - and while pit bulls can do this job, perhaps changing their breed and mixing in other kinds of dog will make the pit bull more suitable for every family and pet situation.
what is that going to solve?
every few years the media picks a new breed of dog and focuses on it.
for a while it was german shepards.
then it was rotts.
not the pitties are getting the flac.
and its bull.
but this will all pass just like the other sterotypes did.
people need to quit being so closed minded about pits.
i would trust the pits that come into my school (training to be a vet tech we get shelter animals in every week) way before i trusted the small dogs.
they supposedly bite more people only because that is what the MEDIA chooses to show.
a yorkie attacks someone and shreds their face do you think anyone hears? nope. but a pit growls at someone and its breaking news\

maybe we should consider if many of the 'large potentially dangerous' breeds did go would it be so bad? All breeds are 'dogs' so pet dogs won't go extinct by loosing one breed. In fact many breeds are gone now, and more are always being created by breeders. Dogs were bred to do particular jobs, and now many of the traditional jobs for them are gone. Most people these days want a dog as a pet and companion - and while pit bulls can do this job, perhaps changing their breed and mixing in other kinds of dog will make the pit bull more suitable for every family and pet situation.

Since I own a "large potentially dangerous" breed, I think this is a horrible idea. There are many breeds of dogs because there are many types of people. Each breed, even if they do not do their original job, have different personalities and traits. It would be similar to saying "We don't need so many brands of cars. Everyone can drive from A to B in a grey minivan." Actually, all of the breeds that appeal to me fall under the "large/potentially dangerous" header - GSDs, Dobes, even huskies. There are so many dogs that are listed on different lists of dangerous dogs. Probably because all dogs have teeth and therefore are potentially dangerous. There was even an infant killed by a Pomeranian, I believe it was last year.

The only common denominator in dog attacks is that there is a human involved. In the majority of cases, a responsible owner could have prevented the attack.

Pitbulls are actually suitable for almost any family/pet situation. This is the only dog that will ever be suitable for every situation -
Its too simple to blame the owner and not look at the breed of dog. Here in the UK the 'dangerous' dog breed in the media at the moment is the Staffordshire Bull Terrier. This breed has been the cause of a much higher proportion of attacks than other breeds, and it can't all be down to bad owners. Same as pit bulls, they have been bred as fighting dogs, for aggression and strength.

In the UK dog fighting has died out now... I think its time to let the dangerous breeds also die out too.

Of course I am not talking about putting animals down or taking animals away from owners. I just think they should stop breeding them......any large dangerous dog breed, not just pits.

So long as these breeds exist, some people will abuse them and bring out the worst in them. Also accidents can happen even with the best trained dog. A smaller breed - like the Yorkshire terrier - may also be aggressive, but its going to do a lot less damage to a person than a pit bull. Also if you look at statistics you will see what dog breeds are involved in the most attacks..........

A 2009 report issued by DogsBite.org shows that 19 dog breeds contributed to 88 deaths in a recent 3-year period. Pit bulls accounted for 59% followed by rottweilers with 14%.
  • Of the 88 fatal dog attacks recorded by DogsBite.org, pit bull type dogs were responsible for 59% (52). This is equivalent to a pit bull killing a U.S. citizen every 21 days during this 3-year period.​
  • The data also shows that pit bulls commit the vast majority of off-property attacks that result in death. Only 18% (16) of the attacks occurred off owner property, yet pit bulls were responsible for 81% (13).​

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