PLEASE help!! 9 weeks old chick not walking

Well, that's good news. I think that you're on the best course possible, I know its hard work and stressful but maybe she is just slow to recover because her body is putting all is has into growing.
I haven't updated lately because nothing has changed. She just gained 50 g that is all and the legs show no improvements at all
So sorry sararoni, I wish she were making more improvements. My pullet still walks with a limp from her ordeal, and although she has put on weight she is still much smaller than her "siblings" I'm thinking it is permanent, so she is our special needs girl now. At least she can be outside with her flock, although she is bottom of the order and gets picked on a little. I know you have been doing everything possible to help this little one, and I admire your dedication to saving her.
Abserbean I really had high hopes that she will recover. So high that I didn't even think of what will happen if she doesn't walk again.
I will keep treating her for some more time though
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Fancychooklady it is starting to look like she needs a miracle.
I put her everyday outside on the grass with the others so she gets encouraged to walk like them. She is so tiny compared to her sisters and just sits there and watches them finish her food
You are doing a good thing. I would give it a little more time. There may come a moment when you realize that it isn't going to get any better but that usually comes after some backsliding. If she is still gaining and still has some feeling in the toes, nobody would fault you for waiting a bit longer to see if she improves.
If you do decide to give her a peaceful end, I would urge you to call your state vet and get the number for the state lab so you can (and I hope this doesn't sound callous) send her body away for a diagnosis. Your state vet and lab are there to help you, you pay their salary and they are obliged to help you in whatever way they can. There are so few vets that know birds let alone poultry and the state vet is one of the most knowledgeable, and cheapest, of them. But thats just an "if".
Rbaker0345 do you think it could be still mareks? She has been down for over a month?
At this point I am more worried that letting her in the area where the other 14 weeks old chicks are is not a good idea
Rbaker0345 do you think it could be still mareks? She has been down for over a month?
At this point I am more worried that letting her in the area where the other 14 weeks old chicks are is not a good idea

Mareks is spread by dander and as she was raised with the others it wouldn't make any difference. Let her enjoy her sibling time . :)


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