Please Help!!! Drunk Chick???


11 Years
Apr 18, 2008
CHICK 1 :My chick was born yesterday morning and it acts as though its front heavy, keeps falling forward. Its feet are fine so there is no problem in that area. Any advice.

CHICK 2 :Other chick tilts its head almost over its back and falls backwards, don't want to lose these 2 chicks they are the two that are wanted to survive the most, wanted for breeding purposes.

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Oh my goodness, I had a chick like #2, delivered in my shipment from the hatchery. I thought maybe it got squished in the shipment and the neck muscles atrophied that way, or maybe it broke it's neck. Unfortunately mine didn't survive; it fell into the water dish and drowned.

I talked to someone else on a different forum and he suggested possibly an equilibrium problem, but I don't know. The chick I had (like #2) couldn't stand up b/c it kept falling backwards and doing backwards somersaults. Here's a pic of the one day I had her (for a few hours).


I was hoping it was something they can overcome with no ill effects. I did have one other one like this and he got better but it took about a month or so, he just held his head back when he drank. And I hoping its not hereditary, but if it is I won't breed. I've never seen anything about this until now. I had to help these chicks out of the shell they were dry but I left them in one half of the shell til they were ready to come out. I just don't know if this is something I did. We heat our house with a wood heater and I'm having trouble keeping the incubator a steady temperature. In the summer I keep one bedroom a steady 66 degrees and I can keep the incubator temp. steady. Is there anything that I can get or do to see if they survive? I just can't cull chicks or chickens just because they have a problem; I mean if they are in pain or I've done all I can, then I don't prolong their life longer either though.

I would almost suspect genetics, and I agree with the other poster that says not to breed. I didn't want to dispatch my chick either. Nature took care of it within hours. I did notice that, if I held my finger behind it's head, it would hold it's head upright, but then, as soon as I set it back down, it flopped it's head back over again. It was almost like the top of it's head was resting on it's back. Very sad to watch. Good luck to you. Don't put a big bowl of water in there with them; use something smaller to prevent drowning.
I have had several guineas like that and none ever made it more than 3 days. Maybe bc they can't eat, but I have no advice for you. I just wanted to say sorry and I hope they get better!!
I wondered about the eating too. I'm glad nature took care of mine b/c I couldn't kill it and I was concerned that it would starve to death. Good point.
Hozer is right, it sounds like wry neck. I can't remember how much of what vitimins they need, but if you do a search I'm sure you'll find it. It's a vitimin deficiancy (if I remember right) and is often treatable. Good luck with them.

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