
Nov 27, 2019
I posted this 2 nights ago:
My baby chick silkie ingested a drop of dawn dish soap???
Is it fatal???
what should i watch for??? im so scared
Please help!!
The chick is a week old bantam silke
I need help she is lethargic. She is only moving around and standing if I encourage her but she won't walk.
She is drinking water and drinking sugar water I have and she is drinking a mash I made for her. She is just so abnormally tired and doesn't move around much and seems to sleep.
She is pooing okay and normal.
The other chick she is brooding with is thriving.
Both a week and a half old now
I think it's very unlikely that the Dawn is to blame. It is recommended for seabird rescue and I'm sure they have ingested a few drops over time!
I would add a vitamin/electrolyte powder to her water (Chick Savr or similar) just in case it's a deficiency.
Sometimes chicks just don't do well, some will not thrive.
@Eggcessive may have some insight....
Get some Poultry NutriDrench right away and give her 2 drops orally each day. Offer her water and show her the feed. Do you have heat on them? How old are they?

Week and 3 days old
She eats on her own and is walking around now. The other chick is quite aggressive and pushes her away from the food and water at times. She is pooping normal and her gullet is somewhat full but not like the other chick

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