Please help what to with Pus


8 Years
Mar 11, 2015
Dear BYC,
I need your help. I have this dear serama chicken. Here’s the story:

It started with dry pox and then he’s having swelling around his head.

Brought him to the local vet, doctor said that those swellings are pus and prescribed antibiotic (for 14 days), anti inflamatory, multivitamin and iodine.
On the 9th day, the pus were as if magically gone. doctor and us were very happy with the results.

thank you all for the replies, appreciate it much. ---post closed---
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Could you post any pictures of the areas on his head? How long ago did he first break out with fowl pox? Was he living out doors then, and did any other chickens get pox? Does he have any lesions of yellow or white inside his beak and mouth?
Also, can you explain a bit more what happens with this leg chasing? Is he turning in circles? Is he pecking it? And I agree with the post about for checking other areas.
In what part of the world are you located? His beak looks extremely overgrown. That can interfere with eating and drinking, preening. That could be why he is chasing his leg if he cannot scratch it. Beaks can be slightly trimmed with dog nail clippers or files. A Dremel grinding tool might also be used carefully.

The swelling of his face resembles some we see with a respiratory disease that causes sinus infection. It also could be tumors, which sometimes are caused by viruses including Mareks or avian lymphois leukosis. Was he ever exposed to mosquitoes? That is the usual vector for fowl pox virus. You might try pressing around the swollen areas to see if any pus comes from the eye socket. Otherwise, I don’t know what else you could do.

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