Please help with sick peacock

The wire is only on the bottom and the sides is a real thin mesh netting, whats really weird is just befor the ends of her tail feathers its almost like a hard plastic coating wraps around the feather its self. I spoke to my husband and Im going to try to find a vet in our area that sees birds as well and see if he cant give us a diagnosis on her so I can to the bottom of this and get her better. Shes going to be inside my house until Spring because I dont want to put her out in the cold.

Oh, Shay, I'm sorry you are going through this

Other people can give you more help on the medical side of things, but wanted to say that the coating on the feathers is probably the keratin sheath, usually it comes off or is groomed off, but she may not be grooming effectively since the poor thing hasn't been feeling well.

Hope she is better soon, soon, soon!
Thank you
!!! I feel so bad for her and im starting to feel helpless. But I know soon things will straighten out with her its going to take time:) shes my problem child lol. Once again thank you!
i have a friend that is a vet and he covers alot of land across the midwest. he says to use the taylon 200
over the 50 because the amount of liquid you have to inject into the bird. using the 50 it requires you
to use alot more which is very uncomfortable for the little birdy..and he also says that you should stock up
on the treatment programs you need for your birds because within a couple of years they will be off the shelves
and then you will have to go to a vet for everything..
here are a couple of pics from today

yellow goldens and red goldens
you should stock up
on the treatment programs you need for your birds because within a couple of years they will be off the shelves
and then you will have to go to a vet for everything..
How will this happen i want to know more about this,
Meds have shelf life so you can stock up all you want but some will be no good after a while,i have to restock every 2 to 3 year and most of the time the product has never been opened because i haven't needed it like tylan.

If this is true what you say sure gonna be alot of ranchers and farmers going broke making trips to the vet or having the vet come out for something they can treat without one
How will this happen i want to know more about this,
Meds have shelf life so you can stock up all you want but some will be no good after a while,i have to restock every 2 to 3 year and most of the time the product has never been opened because i haven't needed it like tylan.

If this is true what you say sure gonna be alot of ranchers and farmers going broke making trips to the vet or having the vet come out for something they can treat without one

If things happen like some of the Doom and Gloomers think it will, you may want to have them to treat your family.
If things happen like some of the Doom and Gloomers think it will, you may want to have them to treat your family.
well i have given my dogs human prescriptions like antibiotics and pain killers when they are injured and i remember my grandpa giving himself a shot of penicillin when he had an infection and it was really for his cattle but he never went to the doctor unless he was unconscious and the family loaded him up and took him to the hospital and now days i feel about the same way they are germ hoarders
If things happen like some of the Doom and Gloomers think it will, you may want to have them to treat your family.

If we listened to the "Doom and Gloom" contingent we would all be living in caves eating MRE's at this point. How many times has the world failed to end in the last 40 years alone? Remember Y2K, what a fiasco. Ever notice how most of the Doom and Gloomers are young? They haven't seen the end come and go enough times to realize it ain't worth getting your panties in a bunch about.

I have come to the conclusion that when our times up..... it's up, no amount of prepping is gonna make a difference when the time actually comes. But that's just my opinion.
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If we listened to the "Doom and Gloom" contingent we would all be living in caves eating MRE's at this point. How many times has the world failed to end in the last 40 years alone? Remember Y2K, what a fiasco. Ever notice how most of the Doom and Gloomers are young? They haven't seen the end come and go enough times to realize it ain't worth getting your panties in a bunch about.

I have come to the conclusion that when our times up..... it's up, no amount of prepping is gonna make a difference when the time actually comes. But that's just my opinion.

True that is. Especially if you live in dense population areas. Here where there are only six homes in a nine square mile radius it will take a while for the zombies to find us. I suppose it is a matter of how comfortable you want to be waiting for the end.
well i have given my dogs human prescriptions like antibiotics and pain killers when they are injured and i remember my grandpa giving himself a shot of penicillin when he had an infection and it was really for his cattle but he never went to the doctor unless he was unconscious and the family loaded him up and took him to the hospital and now days i feel about the same way they are germ hoarders

Yep, when I was small, I remember an old-time neighbor who sewed himself up from a gardening injury.

Now when we go to the doctor, or worse, the hospital, we just cruise from hand gel dispenser to hand gel dispenser, and I'm afraid to touch anything or even breathe in the waiting room...
And ALL the clothes go straight into the wash when we get home... There's scary bugs in those places

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