Please, people... just be NICE.

I agree with this....respect I can dish out, but sometimes tolerance is hard to have.

RED! I really DID get a PM!

It was just someone poking fun at me.......

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This is a place for learning and to connect with people of similar interest not a place to be petty and mean. We must acknowledge that everyone has their own opinion and beliefs and RESPECT that. Doesn't mean we can't debate a topic, it just means that we must always be cognizant of other's feelings, when we take an opposing view.
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I agree.. sometimes folks start a thread and then when they get honest responses that they dont like.... then others are being "mean" to them...
I think it might be a good idea to always read over our posts before submitting them. Sometimes I know I get to typing faster than my little pea brain can keep up, and when I read it over I am
at the way something sounds, so I revise it. I do try extremely hard not to get nit-picky about stuff, because for one thing I just LOVE this site too much to want to put it in danger, and for another i just don't want to be a #$#@@ about stuff. Everyone has a right to their beliefs and opinions, and we need to just chill and let be. Don't have to agree with someone's opinions, but its also usually nothing to get our BVD'S in a knot over.
I think people tend to forget that there are real live people (with feelings) on the other end of their keyboard.
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