Please, people... just be NICE.

Having been a part of a number of bulletin boards throughout the years (and being someone is fairly fascinated by internet culture on top of that), I think your post is very observant and well-written, welsummerchicks! It's great that you posted this here, I hope it will help others who don't spend as much time online to remember what the internet can be like at times and not to always take things personally/believe what they see/understand internet social dynamics, and so on.

It's true, it's amazing how different things are socially in different areas of the internet. I know I've posted things in my LiveJournal that would get BYC folks in a tizzy but my LJ friends hardly shrug, and vice-versa, and that's only one of many, many examples I could throw out there. I know personally there are aspects of myself that I censor or simply don't bring up on BYC (same goes for other sites as well) simply because I know it doesn't jive very well with the board culture. Then there are other things I've brought up sort of as a "test run" only to discover that didn't fit well or it was better not to bring it up (or the opposite--that it was an excellent topic and a good one for that particular board). Board culture is sort of an unspoken thing that one must pay attention to and try to learn from.

Anyway, I could go on and on, but I won't. This is a poultry board, not an internet social psychology board, after all.
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Truthfully, if we all stuck with the thought of helping each other out and offering advice rather than explaining to someone that they are wrong would benefit everyone. I think we come here for support UNLESSS asked otherwise, and to stray off of that, is just wrong. I have seen so many, many people not come back on here simply because they asked for some type of resolution to a problem,then were proceeded to be bashed almost instantly.
Edited to make myself more clear - there are posters that have actually replied to a post, then get clobbered for their response. Sometimes, you feel like saying, "stop it"

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My Grandpap always told me to "TREAT PEOPLE THE SAME WAY YOU WISH TO BE TREATED" Hearing that growing up made me be a better person and now that is what I tell my kids. I beleive in respecting people and while the world has been telling the young to tolorate EVERYONE and EVERYTHING they should have been saying respect others and you will earn their respect. If they give you no respect then stick close to the people who do.

I also have to say that I have gotten very good advice and information on this site. I am here for chickens and info on chickens so I try to stay on that topic. Thanks to all the BYCers who have answered me.
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I try hard not to offend when offering an opinion one nice thing about writing verses talking face to face is you can go back and read what you have written before posting and when you are talking sometime words come out of the mouth that you immediatly wish would have stayed there. When I post i try to think how someone else might take what I am trying to say and not take it wrong sometimes that why my post seem so long winded. Dont mean for them to be. Sometimes you have had a bad day, if you stop and think about what you are going to say reread what you have written them maybe it will come out better. My dad always told me treat people the way you want to be treated. I think all in all the people on BYC are a great group of caring knowledgable people and personally I love it here.
Yes, I agree Eenie. Great post.

I ran into one of these experiences recently. It really stirred me up to the point that I had to go talk to some friends to get over it and think over what I would say.. which I'm not going to post. I'm still not over that bad experience which I didn't expect on this great forum.

Please be nice and friendly of other peoples customs and beliefs.

Though I wouldn't say it mean to suggest killing to vegetarian, it might offend them so think about what you post before you post it.

Thank you.

In some ways it is in reading ideas and opinions with which we disagree that we learn.

We call it ego-casting, but it means selecting all of your media content and contacts to people with whom you always agree. The more outlets we have the more options we have to never ever have to listen to anyone whose ideas don't agree with ours.

This is a serious problem for our nation. It is one of the major reasons we are so polarized. We are never given the chance to question what we think. We are never forced to hear out the "other side's" point of view. And we fall into the very dangerous thought that since we hear "insert belief here" all of the time, then EVERYONE must agree with us.

We're all guilty of this to some extent. But, it is in being exposed to the incredibly wide demographic on this board that I learn!

We can learn without being mean. We can defend our perspective without personal attacks. We learn more with our eyes and ears open and our mouths (or keyboards) shut.
Not long after we married, my husband gave me a piece of advice that has kept me out of a lot of trouble ever since. I believe his exact words were "Sometimes, Cristin, it is okay to just let people be wrong." Of course, he added that it is only as long as they aren't hurting anyone. I've never been sure how tongue in cheek his original intent was (I have always had a tendency to argue for the sake or arguing), but I've always admired the way he handles people and aspired to be more like him in that aspect.

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