Please sex this adolescent barred rock for me and save my marriage! - update, I have two hens - thin

That's a very good question. The man I got them from knows little about chickens. He buys hatchery stock and resells them. He's close by and will sell me small numbers as I live in town. All I know is it is under 4 months but I suspect even less than that.

A lot of its tail feathers are gone, making it harder to tell if it's a hen or roo.
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do you have a friend or someone who could go in on ordering from a hatchery??
or i guess you could do the same order and resale?? that sounds like a big pain in the butt though
Good luck. Maybe you can get your money back and find a BYC member with birds for sale who is close to you.
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I think Lothriel is right. I am pretty sure by now they are Mottled Javas. I love these two ladies. I am guessing they were about 3 months when I got them making them about 6 months now. They have just started laying last week. Brown eggs but very light in color, black on a yellow beak and black shanks and toes on yellow legs. Black green feathers with white tips.

At first, their eggs were smaller, but I think the second to right might be one of theirs. It's huge 2.5 ounces, but it could be one of the New Hampshires or the Australorp. The one on the far right is def one of theirs. Meet General Tso and Kung Pao. The general does not cluck, but growls instead - scared the electrician to death!
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