Please tell me Beano works for dogs?

My mom does that when she exits the bathroom....nothing like burning sulfur on top of the crapper smell.

Way to mask it...NOT....i still know what you did MOM! You don't fool me.

According to our vet, there ain't a blessed thing you can do.

Our Newfie puppy wolfs down any little bit of food she's given. She swallows a lot of air while she eats as a result. It all comes out the other end. If you smelled it, you'd think we fed her on 3 day old roadkill skunks and Schlitz beer, but I swear she eats only Wellness kibble, deer jerky treats and yogurt with active cultures.

Last time she was in for a checkup, she let one out about two seconds before the vet walked into the exam room, and the vet kinda looked at my husband like, "Oh my god, was that YOU?" DH explained that if there was anything to be done, we'd do it, but after reviewing her diet he said it was a puppy thing and hopefully she'd grow out of it. Then, being a Newf, she developed a giant ten-inch drool runner and shook it all over him.

Our vet totally earns his fees. After all that, he still was brave enough to take her temperature.

I'm thinking I might make a pitcher of peppermint tea and start giving her that instead of water? That way at least the smell might be slightly less horrible.

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