Plymouth Rock thread!


Looking for really good photos of your Plymouth rock Roosters or Hens/pullets.
I am putting together a breed standard webpage for UK Rock website.

Barred white and Buff etc would be great large or bantam.

Please email [email protected]

Hey plymouth rockers, i have put together a little list of plymouth rock breeders. If you have some of this beautiful breed just post to the topic following the directions, or just pm me your BYC name and current state. I think this will help us all get to know one another better, and maybe even sale some of our stock to prolong the popularity of this breed in the states.
here is the URL:
Blacks seem to be VERY rare, along with columbian, and buff.
puzzling they are both such beautiful varieties!
But I have been looking for blue rocks too, so I could maybe find some chicks middle of next year; however I really want buff, but no one seems to have any, and I do NOT want hatchery stock. ( I'm weird like that
I would suggest joining the Pylmouth Rock Fanciers Club of America and see if any of their members have the Buff. You could start with the hatchery Buff Rocks and use either an exhibition Buff Orpington or White Rock to improve the size. It may take a few generations, but can be done.
OK........I'm going to read all 217 pages of this thread, honest. But just in case I can get a faster answer.............

I'm looking for some large Barred Rock chicks. Would prefer breeder stock to hatchery. Am willing to drive (from Colorado Springs) for several hours to get them. Anyone know of breeders anywhere near this area?

Edited to add: I see havinfun is in OKC....sheesh I hadn't planned on a 12 hour drive but I might have to.
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