Polish Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

New polish

Here is Polish 3


Polish 3


Polish 2
I have a Houdan and silkie mix the feathers on her neck are weird looking the mother hen pulled them all out 2x leaving her neck naked,so I removed momma hen and now her feathers are growing back and
I will post a pick tomarrow, poor bird looks funny!

now she looking better just in a few weeks...heres what she looks like now

now she looking better just in a few weeks...heres what she looks like now

If momma was the Silky maybe she just didn't like those Howdan style feathers.
A shepherd told me of a ewe he had that was bothered that her lambs were born with long tails. She would bite them off as soon as they were born! I mean the rest of the flock has docked tails, I can't let you go around with tail hanging out! It just isn't DONE!
Hello, fellow Polish fans.
I bought two Golden Laced Polish pullets last June, and one died, so when I saw a Craigslist Ad for two Polish hens, I jumped on the chance. I'm so glad I did! I picked them up today. Lookie, Lookie! I'm so happy right now.


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