poll: are you legal or an outlaw?

Yep, even in the "urban" area's, lol. We have one neighbor who loves the chickens, I'm glad because they've always been good neighbors and I didn't want to upset them. And one neighbor who hates them, which is good because they drive me crazy and are total buttholes all the time, and their kid has been known to destroy my plants, and they scream and yell all day long at their kids. I derive just a bit of satisfaction knowing my rooster (who really isn't very loud) is annoying them.

Wow I think I want to move to your township! Sounds like your neighbors don't appreciate much of anything, including their own kids.
Yeah, they kinda suck
But we just put a fence up, not around the whole yard, lol just up the property line between their house and our house. The idiot husband thought it was just fine to drive through our yard to get to his backyard, left huge ruts. He called the police on ME when I asked him to stop. But he kept it up even after the officers told hem he couldn't...so new fence. I do feel bad for their kids though, really they deserve better and I always try to be nice to the kids.

Mostly it's ok, cuz we have mostly great neighbors...and a wheat field behind us where so we can sit on our deck and watch the deer, turkey, geese etc.. Makes up for only having a half acre.

The Zoning folks are super cool around here. Neighbors already called, guy told me I could have as many animals as I could keep humanely and hygenically.
I'm illegal? Idk, the limit per household is 3 (I have 13) but you are allowed to have 10+ per 1/4 acre which I have (multiple lot yard!).
I'm about to be bad to the bone once my chicks get here - but the house to our left is empty and about to be torn down and won't be rebuilt for a few more years...and the house to our right, well, they're so tipsy half the time, they won't know if the sounds coming from the chickens is chickens or just our kids -
A month ago I would have said legal. As it happens any birds on an acre or less are illegal in this county. When this area was an incorporated village it was legal. Most of our residents still think livestock in this area is legal.

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