poll: are you legal or an outlaw?

Illegal but if the guy down the road can have an illegal horse, I can have a few girls here! Since we bought this property, the economy has tanked and one of Alaska's national issues is "food shortage" so I believe we should all try to ensure our self-sufficiency. I live in the woods besides, with few neighbors.
out in the country and totally legal!
Legal-- for now.

I reread the rules over and over again, and found out that I can have my poultry as long as they aren't free-range, and if they are just pets. I'm not allowed to make a business off of selling their eggs, and I can't have roosters, breed chickens for profit, or anything of the like. I don't know if they have a specific number of birds I can own though.
Well, I'm currently legal, because the ordinance allows a certain number of "sexually mature" chickens per certain lot sizes. "Sexually immature offspring do not count." An acre lot is allotted 25 Animal Density Points, and different livestock (which includes chickens) have a set number of points per animal. My landlady has sheep, and they are 4 pts apiece; she has 3 of them. So that's 12 I can't use. I can have 13 "sexually mature" chickens and an unlimited number of "sexually immature offspring." I have 9 adult chickens.

So, when my 6 adolescent chicks and 4 three-wk old chicks reach sexual maturity, I'll be over the limit by six. Oh, wait, I forgot to count the two ducks! (But they're Cayugas, and black, therefore, like Ninjas, nobody can see them.)

And five of the 10 "immature" are bantams... so that's like 2.5 standard sized chickens, so... help me out here... I'm MOSTLY legal, right??
We were illegal, but the developer broke his own covenants & was challenged in court, so now we are legal. The covenants called for only equines and pet only dogs & cats. How useless is 5 acres if all you can do is put a thousand pound grass destroying poop machine on it?
will be legal in a few months when i move to my 3.5 acres in a agricultural area of my current town . Right now i am definately STILL illegal with my rooster, over 12 chickens, and a couple of turkeys and my turkey Girly Girl is Broody! AND sitting on chicken eggs. whoops...
Currently flying under the radar! The city ordinances say none allowed! The very next sentence is "exceptions" and says that up to six per acre or six per residential estate are allowed. So, basically No! and here's how many you can have. An anonymous call to Animal Control gets me an "I dunno, we wondered about that, too"(sheesh!). They said call the Police Dept. because they would be the ones to enforce any ordinance violations. So, a call to the PD gets me a "We don't know, Animal Control would handle that, call them." Don't you just love small Texas towns? Figure I'll fly stealthy and if the city gets nosy, I'll just claim that they are organic pest control!
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I have six hens and a roo. The City says I am allowed 9 hens and NO roos. I say "Screw 'em"! My neighbors are OK with the crowing so If I ever get a visit from the city I will "burn that bridge when I get to it".

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