poll: are you legal or an outlaw?

Don't know, but am waiting on someone to tell me different. Naw, just joshing, I live in the country of the county, I can do what ever I want to. However, if I lived in the city I would push the envelope.
Outlaws so far...our township is surrounded by townships that allow hens but no Roos, however ours indicates No Livestock unless you have 3.3 acres and around here in the 'burbs thats a little hard to find.....
I am ready to push...our local ward commissioner is aware and supported the underground decision as he said the zoning board does not grant exceptions and keeps your $200 app fee. There are a half dozen or so in my ward and a good amount from what I understand in our township that have backyard chickens.
I will not pay a fine, give up my girls or my liberty-
Like Patrick Henry: Give Me Liberty or Give ME Death....
I feel this is economic discrimination - in these parts 3.3 acres isn't something someone wanting or needing to help sustain themselves can usually afford and they know that.
They can easily keep the suburban feel and the NIMBYs happy prohibiting sales, roos, pigs, cows etc....
My coop was intentionally not haphazardly put together as much as possible and I over extended myself to make sure it was attractive as possible so THAT was not an issue and I could not be called sanford and sons...

All neighbors touching my property have said they are cool as long as no Roos....anyone else? IDK?!?! . I know when we have picked a few up they have squawked a bit loud here and there and when the dogs have gotten crazy they stirred and we have a bratty little girl that likes to be heard when greens are being tossed so they MUST know if the others have not told...
so far...living with a mild case of Chicken Anxiety but I will do everything I can to change the law here and keep our girls here.

Suburban Outlaw...
Still illegal... but the township knows I'm here and have chickens. The crazy lady and her daughter down the street from us went door to door telling all our neighbors we had chickens. 26 big honking chickens running around my little back yard! Called the township on me and even had people from a different housing development call the township.

The neighbor acrossed the street sternly told her to mind her own buisness... and went to the township and told them she was not aware of anything illegal in my backyard. (We have a 6' stockade fence... you really have to try to see into our back yard.) All neighbors touching my property know about the girls and love watching them and hearing what they can of them. No roos... if you crow... you go!

Now after crying for 4 days straight after receiving the letter from the township... I made an appointment and met with the zoning commissioner. He had already visited my property, stood at both my fence gates and listened. He didn't hear anything, he didn't smell anything... and when he did try to peak over the fence... he saw nothing.

My coop and run is directly behind the house. You cannot see it from either side of the front fence.

When I met with him, I only had 4 girls... 3 silkies and 1 bantam polish. He laughed himself silly and showed pictures to the entire office... saying... hey everyone... want to see the pictures of the 36 big honking chickens. I explained about my kids being in 4H, showing them at the fair, learning where food comes from... and brought a binder full of information talking about the fancy chickens being pet rather than livestock.

Bottom line, he told me to go home and live my life. He would mark my file with our "pets" and told me not to worry unless more complaints come in, from someone other than the "w"itch down the street. He would handle them each on an individual basis.

That was 2 years ago... and I am still a little worried from time to time. I haven't seen the "w"itch... don't think she has the nerve to face me... but just wait till I do.
We are legal, but I still worry as we are the only ones near us that have chickens. We live in the town part of a rural community. Ordinance says we can have 12 hens and a rooster only if neighbors okay it. So, we have six hens (only three laying so far). All of our neighbors know except one that is behind us, but the one behind us is crazy neighbor. I worry more about her finding out and deciding to get a bunch herself (she's an extreme animal hoarder) than I do about her complaining.
i am techincally illegal but have found a loop hole - they are being called theraphy chickens for my son who has a diasbility. as such they fall outside the guidelines

new here and thrilled to have found this site
Legal, in suburban Philadelphia. Called our township for a building permit for a chicken coop and the voice on the other end never skipped a beat. Granted, having had a dearly beloved rooster growing up, we have opted for just our four girls. Didn't want to push the neighbors' limits all at once. Basically, township code doesn't say "no," it just leads you to understand that it is "okay, as long as nobody complains."
live in city limits of a city built upon agriculture (go figure)... Definately going against the "Law" in this City.

But think about how many Laws / Ordinances are broken and people challenge or refuse to follow no matter the cost.

I sleep fine at night having my chickens .. well unless I have a Racoon or Opossum in the yard

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