Porcelain Pyncheon PICS

Oh Pyncheon Guy....have any more babies coming up? Shoot I would even take eggs these guys are just so so cool! The ones I might be buying were hysterical - the Roo just wouldn't shut up after the owner and I handled him. He was very quiet when I held him and just watched me when I crooned at him - then we set him in his box and he turned into a little terror! The Owner warned me he had an Ivan the Terrible kind of Attitude and she wasn't lying but it was hysterical it's like watching a chihuahua compared to my St Bernards! Anyway the Pullet was as sweet as honey and he was just a little terror! It was really funny!

I Hope I get these guys. Pyncheon Guy - I'm in Upstate NY if you ever get any Mille Fleur colors you might be interested in passing along for sale.

Hey, the Sun's out and it's 52 degrees here in Upstate NY - I might have to put on a tank top and shorts but were the winter boots since we still have two feet of snow on the ground. Michigan I bet you have it worse than us though this year.

Bridget Aikey:D
That's so funny that you should say that. My boys bite, flog, spur...mean as an acre of snakes. The irony is, they ALWAYS want to be picked up, held, petted and they fly onto my shoulders or want to sit in my lap all of the time. I think they have "small chicken syndrome" and want the world to know that just because they weigh a pound or two, doesn't mean they aren't just as tough as the big boys. The hens are wonderful, sweet, enchanting little things.
I adore these birds. They charm everyone that sees them. I sure hope you are able to get you some.
I have some eggs in the incubator right now-we'll see what comes out!

I just went on WELP and ordered 6 Straight Run Pyncheons and some Salmon Favorelles since my SF didn't do much in hatching drat!

I AM SO EXCITED about the Pyncheons - They are supposed to email me and let me know when they'll ship - very excited to say the least - that way if the one that made it to 22 days decides to hatch he'll have some company....YAY! Hope these will be good quality stock.
Well if anyone has more I'll take them if not too pricey - they kind of remind me of m&m's just can't have a handful if the bag is there have to at least have one more small handful. Chickens really are eye candy aren't they and just funny how they bond to you! I have two giant cochin babies upstairs in the "baby brooder" since the female was not feeling well so I brought her and her "brother" upstairs to keep each other Company. Took some Save a Chick, some Medicated Chick feed crushed it added together and sucked up in a Syringe and gat her a small shot of it then and about 10 min later. Saved her butt for sure as she was doing like a couple chicks I lost and was fluffling and breathing hard. Now she's eating drinking but still sounds a little congested. Anyway, the real part of this story is now that they are up here and not dow with the other chickies they just can't seem to get enough of me - I talk to them and they come over and listen and when I disappear for a bit they start chirping like looking for mama. Guess I'll have two more chickens following me around the gardens again - just as long as they stay away from the pigs when I'm feeding them! The pigs like to try to catch them - ewwwww.

When I visited Welp the site stated that the minimum bantam order is 30. Do they also have a special area where you pay more if you do not want to order the minimum like Ideal and MPC ?
cool, be sure to get some pics when you do. Im hoping to get some this fall.

will do...they came from hinkjc as eggs, should be nice
cool, be sure to get some pics when you do. Im hoping to get some this fall.

will do...they came from hinkjc as eggs, should be nice

Did you get some pics?

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