Possum close by

As far as I'm concerned,I just increased the remaining animals food supply.This way they shouldn't have to be bothering my chickens.They shouldn't have to compete as much for the food sources.

Animals migrate anyway,while still sticking to a home range.The more there are,the faster the diseases spread.

If you leave the animals alone,it just makes it spread faster.

Plus if I let it live,there's no tellin how many litters it could have continued to breed.

Don't get me wrong,it's not something I enjoy doing,but definitely necessary.

I'd think that animals tend to migrate when they're hungry,meaning that too many animals,with limited amounts of food tend to compete more for that food.Hence they migrate.While spreading whatever they may have.
That's not really how it works.

If requested, I'd be happy to provide references in support of the fact that increasing migration by removing animals will increase the spread of disease. In turn, do you have any evidence behind your claim?

Plus if I let it live,there's no tellin how many litters it could have continued to breed.

Oh, that's another good point. If you remove animals from a population, then the birth rate in the remaining wild population will tend to increase in order to compensate. If you leave the animals alone, the population will tend to stabilize around the carrying capacity of the local area. So you are actually increasing litters by removing animals. Again, references supplied on request.

Don't get me wrong,it's not something I enjoy doing,but definitely necessary.

Nope, it's definitely not necessary. The people right here on this board who successfully maintain flocks without constant killing prove that.​
I said it once and I'll say it again.Any critter trying to get in my coop is gonna chew lead.Ok.

If that works for you then fine.I ain't gonna argue with you no more.

If you don't like it,I suggest you read the rules of the board.
Heck, I never said that it's wrong for you to shoot everything in sight, if you want. I'm simply pointing out a few of the facts that surround such actions. I think it's a great thing to be able to provide facts for the readers of this board, so they can make up their own minds.
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A friendly reminder from the stricter rules of this forum

*Although some ways are not considered ideal to some, it serves the purpose of removing the offending predator. If you have an idea or a helpful comment, please do reply. If it is a sarcastic comment about the disposal or capture of a predator, please keep your thoughts to yourself. We are not here to judge one another on methods or ways and means.*

Personally, when a raccoon, coyote or other unprotected species starts paying my property taxes and for my birds upkeep, they can do what they want. Once they cross my fenceline and break into my property, they are history.​
Mrs. Foghorn Leghorn :

This afternoon, we were looking out our homeschool classroom and saw a young possum stick his head out from under some decking. I think he's the one that dug a small hole on the other end a couple nights ago. I'm guessing that he's taken up residence here. The only problems is that it's about 60 ft from my coop/run.

The good news is that my 3 hens are completely enclosed. The bad news is that it is only 1" hexagon mesh. (sorry, I can't remember the gauge wire)

Can a possum get through that? What's the best way to catch a possum w/o a gun? We're in a residential area where guns are not permitted to be fired. I know, I know...... how will they know a gun from a firework, but I want to do this legally.


The OP's question was on how to catch a pred without a gun, I think it was answered.

Opinions on diposal are irrelevant.​
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Heck -- strictly speaking, any discussion about shooting anything at all is irrelevant to the OP's question -- since she specifically asked about catching the possum without a gun.
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Heck -- strictly speaking, any discussion about shooting anything at all is irrelevant to the OP's question -- since she specifically asked about catching the possum without a gun.

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