post any and all waterfowl pictures here!!! ponds, pools, aviarys, coops, runs, etc.

You should name him "Grasshopper."

Ninja Duck!
We got our two new ducklings today (The ones I asked what they are). Here is a few pictures of them from this afternoon. we didn't take them outside since hubby was mowing and i didn't want them freaking out on their first day home...or getting run over on accident. We did let the big ducks swim though. The tote they are in was their brooder when they first came home. Clearly it doesn't fit them too well now. my how they have grown in jsut 3 weeks!


Pip-Perched up on my leg like a big man.


See the little yellow strip up by his nose. These aren't the best pics since we were still inside but hopefully we will get outside tomorrow and can get some cute pictures. They would have gotten lost in our yard. With all the rain we have had the grass was so high!

Here's the video of Crickett & Stinky swimming. Crickett
the water.

They look like cayugas there, lol. I hate brooder pics for identifying, they look so much different outside the brooders.

Ninja Duck!

Naturally they go for the mud puddle.

Ducks/geese playing in the mud puddle. Hubby thinks they need it and keeps digging it deeper and refilling it with the hose each day.
The ducks do love digging around and eating all the worms, but they have a perfectly good kiddie pool so I think they'd be ok without their mud puddle.
Some updated pics, our Pekin is now 4 weeks old, the Mallard and black mystery duck are both 3 weeks old, and our 5 babies are 1 week old. We thought the black ones from TSC were Cayuga but deffinitly not. He/She (the 3 week old) is getting the same brownish black feathers as the Mallard.

Here we have Donald, Zeus, Hades, Athena, and Poseidon (for now until we know the sexes)

The 3 week old Black mystery duckling from TSC name Jet

Jet with the 3 week old Mallard named Chip and our 4 week old Pekin named Po

And I tried to get a pic of the brown feathers (can't really see in the pic but their there) and white on the neck coming in on Jet. This pic is of his back.
Some updated pics, our Pekin is now 4 weeks old, the Mallard and black mystery duck are both 3 weeks old, and our 5 babies are 1 week old. We thought the black ones from TSC were Cayuga but deffinitly not. He/She (the 3 week old) is getting the same brownish black feathers as the Mallard.

Here we have Donald, Zeus, Hades, Athena, and Poseidon (for now until we know the sexes)

The 3 week old Black mystery duckling from TSC name Jet

Jet with the 3 week old Mallard named Chip and our 4 week old Pekin named Po

And I tried to get a pic of the brown feathers (can't really see in the pic but their there) and white on the neck coming in on Jet. This pic is of his back.
They are looking great!

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