Post PICS of your GLORIOUS ROOSTERS here!!! All breeds welcome!

Fancypants Jack(Ameraucana)- yep his real name.

Henry(Buff Sebright)-peeking at me from behind post

His son Danny- wanting what he can't have, Jack's girls

My newest roo Pansy(not sure of breed)-about 5 weeks old
My goodness! How many girls do you have? You must have a few hundred to satisfy all those roos
Do they all get along???

I don't have more than 2 per roo, but they all get along great. My roos have what I call the Boy's Club, they sit around with each other and if they were human they'd be playing dominos or cards and gossiping like little old men. They work together well for protection, and they accept almost anyone I bring home with to add to the family. The only roos with designated ladies are Blue Roo, Popcorn, and now Nugget has 2 or three of his own. One of Nugget's ladies is too small so I'm trying to convince her she needs a healthy, happy, relationship with a bantam roo instead of a long celebate one with Nugget! I'm lucky with my boys, they are no trouble, they don't fight, and they are all nice to the ladies.

That is so sweet! Nugget doesn't try to mate with her? You should recreate the dogs playing poker painting, with roosters
Little Jerry has only giant girls now that his girl dissapeared
I am worried that no one will give him the time of day once he is mature enough to figure it all out. Poor little guy, we might have to find him another bantam girl.
I don't know how many times I have seen that episode and didn't even think about ever naming a rooster Little Jerry, because we didn't have chickens and never thought we would have any. I was so excited when I was reminded of that episode!

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