post your chicken coop pictures here!

Hello coop peeps! :frow
I will post pics of my coop as soon as it is cleaned :sick

Now, I have a question.How big of a run do I need for 10-12 mixed size hens?They will be free ranged for 1-2 hours Possibely almost every day.
Here is the coop/ run we just finished and moved the girls in.
The run should be 10 square feet per bird and the coop you probably know should be 4 sq ft.

So for 12 birds that would be 120 sq ft. but more room (or free ranging) is always better. :)

My current run is 6x12 (chainlink dog kennel) which is just barely too small for my 8. We are getting another kennel the same size and connecting them or building a run so it will be around 6x24 which is bigger than they need but more space is better.

But I find having quality space is important too. Just having it be dirt and nothing else is boring and can lead to problems even if it's technically enough space. I try to hang things, like cabbage or cucumber etc. When I can for them to peck at or give them vegetables/scraps/treats to pick through or like things to fly up onto like branches/perches or stumps. And they need places to get away which those work for too.

And in my new run I'm going to do deep litter which will compost in the run and give them something to do by scratching through it, providing bugs to eat, etc. It's several inches of wood chips not shavings then several inches of leaves, grass clippings, garden scraps, etc. And when it smells just add more dry stuff. And like I said it composts and gives them something to do so win win. Cause my current run is just dirt (mud after storms) and they get so bored.

Sorry for rambling haha

Anyway, long story short at least 120 sq ft in any configuration you want but yeah
Hello coop peeps!

I will post pics of my coop as soon as it is cleaned

Now, I have a question.How big of a run do I need for 10-12 mixed size hens?They will be free ranged for 1-2 hours Possibely almost every day.
a min of 10 sq feet per bird ... so at least 100 to 120 sq ft .. or at least 10x 10' , 10x 12' ... but more is better
Hello coop peeps! :frow
I will post pics of my coop as soon as it is cleaned :sick

Now, I have a question.How big of a run do I need for 10-12 mixed size hens?They will be free ranged for 1-2 hours Possibely almost every day.

The run should be 10 square feet per bird and the coop you probably know should be 4 sq ft.

So for 12 birds that would be 120 sq ft. but more room (or free ranging) is always better. :)

My current run is 6x12 (chainlink dog kennel) which is just barely too small for my 8. We are getting another kennel the same size and connecting them or building a run so it will be around 6x24 which is bigger than they need but more space is better.

But I find having quality space is important too. Just having it be dirt and nothing else is boring and can lead to problems even if it's technically enough space. I try to hang things, like cabbage or cucumber etc. When I can for them to peck at or give them vegetables/scraps/treats to pick through or like things to fly up onto like branches/perches or stumps. And they need places to get away which those work for too.

And in my new run I'm going to do deep litter which will compost in the run and give them something to do by scratching through it, providing bugs to eat, etc. It's several inches of wood chips not shavings then several inches of leaves, grass clippings, garden scraps, etc. And when it smells just add more dry stuff. And like I said it composts and gives them something to do so win win. Cause my current run is just dirt (mud after storms) and they get so bored.

Sorry for rambling haha

Anyway, long story short at least 120 sq ft in any configuration you want but yeah

This was for cluck cluck btw

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