Post your Duck names!

I'm an insanely HUGE Walking Dead fan so my guys are known as The Walking Ducks and all have walking dead themed names.
From left to right they are: Daryl Duckson, The Governor and Rick Grimes.

And this silly lady is Michonne, though I no longer own her.
Since she was the only girl in my flock I had to save her the harassment from the boys and find her a new home. She is now gabbing away with five other khaki Campbell ladies and being SPOILED rotten.

My black swedish, whom I believe is female because she started quacking at 4 weeks, is named Charlie. At first we called her a he just outta habit (mainly ALL our pets are males) but we knew there'd be a chance for her to be female so we chose a gender neutral name. I mean I know of at least 1 real life person who is female and named Charlie and then I know quite a few female movie characters named Charlie.
My Pekins are big bird, Baby and Mattie. My Runners are Ming, Lucy (Desie passed on), and Lola. My Campbells are Amos, Ming, and Ling. I
absolutely adore my gaggle, they are so entertaining.

This is Felix (front) and Penelope (Back). We rescued two Muscovy eggs from a local park and Felix hatched from one of them. Felix means "lucky" in Latin, so the name seemed appropriate.

We bought him Penelope a month after Felix hatched, so he wouldn't be lonely.

The kids began calling her Peena-lope, and it stuck. Here they are taking a rest on my stepson, Kade.

They have many nicknames: Penelope is also "Giggles" and "Squerk" and "The Ballerina" (She likes to stand on one foot with one leg and one wing extended behind her for long stretches of time). They get on quite well with my cats; that is one of them, Krystal, in the background.

Felix is still "Baby Duck" to me; when he's bossy, we call him "The Lieutenant-Commander"; when he's sweet, we call him "Felissimo" or "Sunshine" (He likes it when you sing "You Are My Sunshine" to him) and lately the boys have taken to calling him "Lumpy" due to his developing caruncles. Both Felix and Penelope still LOVE to be blow-dried when they are wet. They are spoiled rotten, and always will be!

This is Felix (front) and Penelope (Back). We rescued two Muscovy eggs from a local park and Felix hatched from one of them. Felix means "lucky" in Latin, so the name seemed appropriate.

We bought him Penelope a month after Felix hatched, so he wouldn't be lonely.

The kids began calling her Peena-lope, and it stuck. Here they are taking a rest on my stepson, Kade.

They have many nicknames: Penelope is also "Giggles" and "Squerk" and "The Ballerina" (She likes to stand on one foot with one leg and one wing extended behind her for long stretches of time). They get on quite well with my cats; that is one of them, Krystal, in the background.

Felix is still "Baby Duck" to me; when he's bossy, we call him "The Lieutenant-Commander"; when he's sweet, we call him "Felissimo" or "Sunshine" (He likes it when you sing "You Are My Sunshine" to him) and lately the boys have taken to calling him "Lumpy" due to his developing caruncles. Both Felix and Penelope still LOVE to be blow-dried when they are wet. They are spoiled rotten, and always will be!

Love the names and the story behind it. of course I'm very partial to Scovy's. lovely water too , they all look like they are enjoying themselves.
Well, I have had a few ducks before my current girl.
There was my mallard coulple Calm (female) and Flyer (male), I was 5 at the time. We were stupid duck owners and believed that hand raised ducks could survive on their own, so we released them.
Then I had some Khaki Capmbells Shelia and Rosie (male) named for Rosevelt Franklin and Rosie Greer*sp.
When they passed I just didn't have the heart to garden anymore without ducks underfoot. I was 21 or so when I got them.
So then I got my Welsh Halequins: Opal, April, Abigail, and Bella.
Bella passed within hours of ariving to my house,Abigail died due to negligence on our part, she died in a laundry basket we were using as a pen for the ducklings. Opal died suddenly on night (they were all indoor houseducks), and April Showers is biting my foot as I write this, it's that time of year for her. wink.
She's my baby fuzz and 2 and half years old.

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