Post Your Game Cam Pics Here!!!

Happy Thanksgiving all,
I checked game cam this morning, can anyone identify this animal? I live in Florida, looks like a wolf, but didn't think we had wolves. The time stamp is obviously wrong. Have a great day!

It could be a dog but I think it is a coyote. We had one that looked like that run our fence line. The one that was here was a charcoal color. I think it was probably a mix. It would always be with another grey coyote. We haven't see it in a long time, but for awhile we would see them quite often.
It could be a dog but I think it is a coyote. We had one that looked like that run our fence line. The one that was here was a charcoal color. I think it was probably a mix. It would always be with another grey coyote. We haven't see it in a long time, but for awhile we would see them quite often.
Looks like a coyote to me!
Quote: I still think it is a dark colored coyote. As I said in a previous post, we had one hanging around with a gray one running our fence line on our side of the fence and they were checking out the chickens. The one here was so dark it was almost black and it looked just like the one in the picture here. The dark one kept it's distance but I did shoot at the gray one as it was trying to get my chickens. The gray one came very close to me when I shot at it but it was chasing the birds, it wanted some chicken. As soon as I shot at it, it took off.I'm pretty sure I hit it but I had bird shot so I didn't kill it and it did come back but kept some distance.
Folks, that is a 'yote! I've called and killed dozens & dozens of coyote!

The photo is backlit which is why it appears dark, Look at where the shadow is that is being cast by the 'yote.

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