Powdered Duramycin (oxytetracycline) antibiotic in water

Will oxytetracyclin be OK to give to my chicken that has a random sneeze no other symptoms? I don't know how to measure 2.5 tablespoon by the way lol. My one rooster and hen have the random sneeze the other hen doesn't so I guess it won't hurt her drinking from the water too? Thanks in advance!
i have been using this powder for 2 days. I am just using one gallon of water and putting one tablespoon of powder in the water. it turns brown. is that normal? is it okay for them to drink it that color? I know I need to change it every 24 hours.
i have been using this powder for 2 days. I am just using one gallon of water and putting one tablespoon of powder in the water. it turns brown. is that normal? is it okay for them to drink it that color? I know I need to change it every 24 hours.
It's a yellow powder, right? FYI, 800 mg = 1.5 tablespoons, not 1 tablespoon.

It should turn the water a golden color, not brown, sort of like what color regular lager/pilsner beer (Budweiser or Miller or Busch) is here in the States. It's the closest thing I can think of to the medicated water's color. It's darker than lemonade but much lighter than tea. Hopefully that helps.

One other suggestion, to keep from wasting quite so much medication. The gallon dosage of 1.5 Tablespoons is 4 1/2 teaspoons. If you wish to use a quart waterer, instead, you could use 1 1/8 teaspoons in the quart of water, rather than 1 1/2 Tablespoons in a gallon waterer, especially since it must be replaced every day. Just a suggestion. I always hate to waste stuff if I don't have to, so I have a habit of suggesting it to others, too.

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First, what is MG?

2ND, I had about 25 chick's in a brooder, well plastic tote. I moved them to a much bigger tote last night and added in another 25 babies. They range in age from about 3 weeks to about 5 weeks. Problem is I didn't notice the older ones seem to have some sore eyes among them. No coughing, sneezing, runny noses or anything else. Should I give them this oxytetracycline?

I'm afraid whatever it is, the younger ones have got it or will get it now.

Oh, they are on medicated chick starter for food and I have been switching off with vitamins or electrolytes in their water.
First, what is MG?

2ND, I had about 25 chick's in a brooder, well plastic tote. I moved them to a much bigger tote last night and added in another 25 babies. They range in age from about 3 weeks to about 5 weeks. Problem is I didn't notice the older ones seem to have some sore eyes among them. No coughing, sneezing, runny noses or anything else. Should I give them this oxytetracycline?

I'm afraid whatever it is, the younger ones have got it or will get it now.

Oh, they are on medicated chick starter for food and I have been switching off with vitamins or electrolytes in their water.

We have this to our duck that was attacked by a raccoon and sadly she didn't make it so we started our flock on this on the July 3rd because the remaining duck and chickens were around her. We gave it to them for 7 days, I read the package and I am worried because it says not for laying hens..so we aren't able to eat the eggs..ever? I am so new to this so please excuse my dumb questions. also we have lost 16 babies that have hatched this year due to raccoons and skunks and our precious duck. We have secured the barn as best we can but they seem to still get it. What is a good solution to detour them. Thank you so much !!!

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