prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Hi, I'm Lorie, AKA Little Fuzzy, who is actually my white Silkie hen who is such a character. She is the only chicken who bosses my Great Dane around. I'm 61 yrs young, and didn't get saved till I was 54. I'm a retired police officer from San Diego Cali. God convicted me after I had a shooting at work, but It took me along time to commit. Now I volunteer at a soup kitchen for the homeless, people I would not have liked too much in my past career. I'm a born again Independent Bible Believing Baptist. My life verse is - And ye shall know the truth, and the Truth will make you free.

I bet that's a sight to see! Lol

I had a college professor use one of those.

Part 2/2

@Bills vs Beaks
@Beer can
@TheKindaFarmGal - Post #2062
@Hens rule

Ok, whew! As stated above, short description and/or fave verse.

Check in please

I'm TheKindaFarmGal, and I am a Christian, learning more every day. I enjoy playing piano.

I'm not sure what my favourite verse is. Probably from Romans 8, though. I am having a hard time narrowing it down.
Ok...yes, I'm up early...thinking...NOT BROODING, just thinking... :p

Miracles, and stuff I suppose.

I'll just spit it out already lo..

When I was recovering from my attempt at um, being stupid... (I overdosed on sleeping pills thinking I could sleep my way to heaven, ahem)... When I got home, there was a white dove on my windowsill. This is in Colorado, on the plains, in the middle of the boonies.. We don't have white doves. Haven't seen one since, anyway...

Anyway, this dove sat there, on my windowsill for 3 days, which I don't know how it did that, my windowsill was only like an inch wide. And it stayed there and wouldn't leave.

I've always wondered if God can send signs or things? I also might have had an out of body experience, because I could see everything going on in the ambulance and I could see them working on me in our living room, but it was like I was looking down on it all from the ceiling.

I try not to think about it lol :p

It's weirded me out for pretty much my whole life. A random overpayment sent back to me right when I'm short on paying bills, a few times of missing a major car wreck because a kid had to potty, or stopped for a random sight, 2 times that's happened, missing a wreck by minutes... That dove, I'll never be able to explain that bird except the feeling I had when it was sitting there staring at me, like it KNEW what I was going through, it was weird...

Are those types of miracles or providence?
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Dear JesusFreak101;
I just found this thread (after fervent morning prayers). I've only read your starting post, not the rest of the thread, yet. GOD Bless you & your family. I will be praying for
you & all those on this thread. Thank you for starting this thread.
Love in Christ;

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