prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Yeah but to be fair, he was a drug addict or dealer at the time was he not? So he wasn't a very good example of a religious person and you never would have known. So i mean at the time, he probably was a bad influence on them, but now he seems to have changed

Fair? Kelsey, thank you for pointing that out...but I have to deal a direct blow to that ..... Everything being fair... I don't recall anywhere in scripture that's says its supposed to be fair... Or even close. God chooses what's "fair"... The truth is, as far as I know, nobody has taught me different anyway...NOTHING is fair by our standards.

I was an addict too...still am. No room for judgement in this round. We're even. Addict vs addict. Christan vs Christian. It's about high time we join forces to raise these kids, yes? ;)

That was my whole point. I'm new at this, ex has evidently been at this for 20+ years. Who's the bigger hypocrite when we try to fix or guide someone else based upon not having the conviction or the fellowship that we need to be able to grow in Christ.

That's where that whole " church" thing comes in..who can teach us if no one is sent? And who can listen if our ears are clogged with worries of this world? I missed 15 years of the most important calling of my life, and now I'm at the point of learning that I failed because I didn't know. And to a stranger, sure, excuses, "I didn't ask"... But for someone I was with for 15 years? That was half my life by the time we got divorced, its no wonder at all why we fell apart. We didn't put God first. Now it's back in my account of being a hypocrite and shutting out a fellow brother, and my husband at the time, because of it. I feel supremely ashamed.
Hey everyone. I apologize for my absence. Just been very busy and haven't had time to figure out the new BYC. I missed you all and hope you're all doing great :hugs

Here's what I've been up to lately.

I got a job at a restaurant as a service assistant ( I wash dishes and take out trash ) It's pretty good for the most part. My co-worker is really happy with my work and he tells the managers how well I'm doing so that's pretty good. Just about everyone there smokes though. Doesn't bother me too much except that 42,000 people die a year from SECOND HAND SMOKE!!!!!! They also play really bad rap when we work :/ Just have to push through though and stay strong.

My brother and I are writing our own show. :p It's called Vicci & Arken (pronounced Vee-Chee) So that's been really really fun. It's about 2 alliances at war, and both of the alliances are made up of clans. So its about the Vicci and Arken clan. We're going to make both sides have really good ideals and view points so there's no good, bad, right, or wrong and the person watching the show can decide who they think is right.

I'm getting pretty close to finishing the 11th grade. So that's good. My parents are having my younger sister and I take some college courses at the local community college this summer. I'm really scared I'm going to fail all my classes :( . I think I'm taking an algebra, English, and welding class. I'm really nervous about the whole thing.

Lately Flint has gotten pretty sick. He doesn't crow anymore. All he does is lay in the coop and preen himself. He looks really pale. I'm going to give him a bath today or tomorrow and if he has any flees or mites or lice it will get rid of them. He was doing better the past few days but now he looks way worse :hit Please pray for him. He's a really great cockerel and I know he can make it through whatever this is.

Last thing. About 2 weeks ago my Buff Brahma Annika went broody. She's laying on 5 eggs. I candled them all and 2 are looking really well.

That's all from me. I'll keep you all in my prayers.

God bless

Hi Jake,
Sorry about Flint
Asking for prayers again. Made it to the big city to see a Dr. For our son that's been having surgeries...has Spina Bifida. He will be checked out again by this dr next month. In the meantime, he was given three different choices to choose from according to how some blood work comes out, and a check up he'll be given then. They are waiting on his past records to go by. He may not need this big surgery we've been thinking he needed. Man, second and third opinions in the medical field is very wise when it comes to having a dr say, you better get this or that done! Pray that he will make the best decision for himself. Thank you.
Morning all. Prayers for you and your son, Cynthia: that wise council will be given, that you will have wisdom in choosing the right treatment. Prayer for son's comfort in the mean time. It's hard to watch a child suffer, no matter what their age!

Jake. so sorry about the loss of your beloved Flint.

Ocap, I'm liking the scriptures you are posting. Also liking your commentary, SG! Gives me plenty to think about.
Dear Jake,

I'm so dearly sorry you lost Flint.My deepest condolences.
I will keep Annika in my thoughts, And hope that all her eggs with hatch and be healthy.

Best to you, Annika, And the rest!

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