prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Very well said, and correct according to His Holy Word. I think your response to @Loopeend is full of grace, love, and truth. Only Jesus could have paid the price for our sins and sinful nature.

I will say this... we don’t believe in Jesus because of the Bible, we believe in the Bible because of Jesus. Without the resurrection, believers in Christ are to be pitied most of all. But, because of the truth of the resurrection of Jesus, we have the greatest hope and assurance of life with our Father in Heaven. Jesus paid the price we all deserve.

Thanks, @birdsrfun . I wholeheartedly agree with everything you said. Jesus paid the price we deserve, which is death, separation from the Father. He paid the price so we may have what He deserves, eternal life in heaven in glory with the Father! What a gift! What a God!
It's wonderful that you serve God and have always tried to be good! But to go to heaven and spend eternity with God, who is pure and perfect, requires perfection. No human is perfect. The Bible teaches that "all have sinned and come short of the glory of God." We are all selfish at times. We are all proud. We all do less than our best. We all have thoughts of resentment, anger, envy, lust, etc. None of those things can enter into the kingdom of heaven. All those things are going to be burned up at the last day, because "the wages of sin is death." And unless we are cleansed of them by the blood of God's pure Son, we will be burned up with them. But "the gift of God is eternal life." Jesus is willing to take those things from us. He will take our sins from us and give us His perfect life in exchange. We have only to confess to Him that we are guilty of these things and ask for forgiveness. Then by faith we walk with Him day by day, getting to know Him by reading His Word, the Bible, communicating with Him through prayer, and becoming more like Him by obeying His teachings. This is what it means to be a Christian. We cannot earn a place in heaven by our good works. It is a gift only Jesus can give us, because only He could pay the price, a perfect life lived without sin.

I don't know. I did not expect to understand Jesus his love. I do not understand what you are saying now; because it might be a few steps ahead. Maybe in a few years I will look back at this and understand it? Like how I now finally understood Jesus his love more then before?

I might be still naieve now? But I have pride in it. I want to stay "naive" because it helps people. I'm the person that can not "just drive on" when someone is trying to commit suicide or are lured into sexual abuse. I am standing there baffled how more then 60 people just..ignore it. I am the one that walks up to that person to ask if they are okay. That is why I think Jesus/God will let me in. I am not vain; I look at others. I do not feel like the people to ask him for forgiveness. I see a lot of people around me who should. I'm a boring goody-two shoes. He knows. I am and have been okay from the get-go. Too much probably. I think he will be mad at me and say "loopeend, shut up and live for yourself for once, not other people, I also created you as an equal",
I don't know. I did not expect to understand Jesus his love. I do not understand what you are saying now; because it might be a few steps ahead. Maybe in a few years I will look back at this and understand it? Like how I now finally understood Jesus his love more then before?

I might be still naieve now? But I have pride in it. I want to stay "naive" because it helps people. I'm the person that can not "just drive on" when someone is trying to commit suicide or are lured into sexual abuse. I am standing there baffled how more then 60 people just..ignore it. I am the one that walks up to that person to ask if they are okay. That is why I think Jesus/God will let me in. I am not vain; I look at others. I do not feel like the people to ask him for forgiveness. I see a lot of people around me who should. I'm a boring goody-two shoes. He knows. I am and have been okay from the get-go. Too much probably. I think he will be mad at me and say "loopeend, shut up and live for yourself for once, not other people, I also created you as an equal",
The only way we know what Jesus says or does is through his word, the Bible. We cannot make up in our own minds what he says or does. If we can’t know what any person on earth says how can we think we could know what God himself says unless he tells us.

In the God’s word, the Bible, Isaiah 64:6 says “But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.”
This means all your good deeds are worthless because everyone has sinned and your good deeds are not enough to wash away your sins.

It also quotes Jesus’s exact words in God’s Bible in John 14:6 “Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
This means there is no other way than through Jesus himself. None.

Ephesians 2:8-9 “8-For it is by grace you have been saved,through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9-not by works, so that no one can boast.”

No one can get to heaven by doing good deeds. No one in heaven will be able to be prideful about how they got there. Only Jesus deserves that honor and glory. You have no options on how to get to heaven. It is through faith in Jesus dying in your place, something he did because of his intense love for you. No other way. That is what Jesus Himself said.
I don't know. I did not expect to understand Jesus his love. I do not understand what you are saying now; because it might be a few steps ahead. Maybe in a few years I will look back at this and understand it? Like how I now finally understood Jesus his love more then before?

I might be still naieve now? But I have pride in it. I want to stay "naive" because it helps people. I'm the person that can not "just drive on" when someone is trying to commit suicide or are lured into sexual abuse. I am standing there baffled how more then 60 people just..ignore it. I am the one that walks up to that person to ask if they are okay. That is why I think Jesus/God will let me in. I am not vain; I look at others. I do not feel like the people to ask him for forgiveness. I see a lot of people around me who should. I'm a boring goody-two shoes. He knows. I am and have been okay from the get-go. Too much probably. I think he will be mad at me and say "loopeend, shut up and live for yourself for once, not other people, I also created you as an equal",

I think that you are responding to the love of God in your heart. It is His love in you that makes you want to help others in need and not pass them by. That is a good thing. Keep listening to that Voice! It is the Voice of God. But what Cryss is saying is correct also. God wants you to know Him in a deeper way. He has spoken to us in His Book so we can hear His Voice even more clearly. It is His love letter to us. Read it and get to know Him as He has revealed Himself to us. You will learn to love Him even more! 😍😊

Typos, sorry
I don't know. I did not expect to understand Jesus his love. I do not understand what you are saying now; because it might be a few steps ahead. Maybe in a few years I will look back at this and understand it? Like how I now finally understood Jesus his love more then before?

I might be still naieve now? But I have pride in it. I want to stay "naive" because it helps people. I'm the person that can not "just drive on" when someone is trying to commit suicide or are lured into sexual abuse. I am standing there baffled how more then 60 people just..ignore it. I am the one that walks up to that person to ask if they are okay. That is why I think Jesus/God will let me in. I am not vain; I look at others. I do not feel like the people to ask him for forgiveness. I see a lot of people around me who should. I'm a boring goody-two shoes. He knows. I am and have been okay from the get-go. Too much probably. I think he will be mad at me and say "loopeend, shut up and live for yourself for once, not other people, I also created you as an equal",
Hi! It’s wonderful that are so compassionate! It takes great courage to be willing to walk through someone’s pain with them. And you are right, not many people are like that.

It’s one of the things I love the most about JESUS. He is always lifting people up and giving them worth and value.
But perhaps you are missing something? Please don‘t take this wrong, I only say this with love. I see that you have a caring heart and I admire that.

But let’s say there is a celebrity that you really admire. ( Can you think of one? 🙂) You listen to all he/she music or watch all he/she movies. Anytime there is a news update about he/she you stop to pay attention. If he/she go through a tragedy you are sad for them. If he/she has a success you celebrate with them.

And then one day, you see that celebrity walking towards you! You‘d probably be very excited right? ( I know I would😄)
So you go up to him/her and introduce yourself. What would you say? Perhaps you would tell him/her how much you admire his/her music or movies. That they inspire you. Maybe you’d ask him/her some questions about things you heard on the news.

For us, this meeting would be amazing! Something we would tell all our friends about and we would always remember.
But what do you think a celebrity feels like when someone comes up to them? Talking to them like we know them. Do you think they know us? Besides our names they wouldn’t know anything about us. And truthfully we don’t know anything about the celebrities we admire. We never eat dinner with them or see what they are like at home with their families. We just see what is put out on the media.

But what if we could be friends with our favorite celebrity? What if we could call each other or eat a meal together? What do you think that celebrity would do if him/her saw you walking towards him/her then? He/she would probably be just as excited to see you as you are to see him/her.

That’s the way it is with JESUS. We can say we know JESUS and do things for JESUS. But unless we ask Him to forgive our sins and come live in our hearts there is no way JESUS can know us. JESUS longs to know us as friends. He wants to know everything about you. But He won’t untill we ask Him. When we repent of our sins and ask JESUS to be a part of our lives we give Him the best gift we could ever give. And I promise you it’s by far the most valuable treasure ever when JESUS comes into your heart and gives you life!

If you’d be willing check out these Bible verses and let us know what you think of them, John chapter 3 and Luke chapter 13 verses 22-30
We love you and are praying for you!
Hi! It’s wonderful that are so compassionate! It takes great courage to be willing to walk through someone’s pain with them. And you are right, not many people are like that.

It’s one of the things I love the most about JESUS. He is always lifting people up and giving them worth and value.
But perhaps you are missing something? Please don‘t take this wrong, I only say this with love. I see that you have a caring heart and I admire that.

But let’s say there is a celebrity that you really admire. ( Can you think of one? 🙂) You listen to all he/she music or watch all he/she movies. Anytime there is a news update about he/she you stop to pay attention. If he/she go through a tragedy you are sad for them. If he/she has a success you celebrate with them.

And then one day, you see that celebrity walking towards you! You‘d probably be very excited right? ( I know I would😄)
So you go up to him/her and introduce yourself. What would you say? Perhaps you would tell him/her how much you admire his/her music or movies. That they inspire you. Maybe you’d ask him/her some questions about things you heard on the news.

For us, this meeting would be amazing! Something we would tell all our friends about and we would always remember.
But what do you think a celebrity feels like when someone comes up to them? Talking to them like we know them. Do you think they know us? Besides our names they wouldn’t know anything about us. And truthfully we don’t know anything about the celebrities we admire. We never eat dinner with them or see what they are like at home with their families. We just see what is put out on the media.

But what if we could be friends with our favorite celebrity? What if we could call each other or eat a meal together? What do you think that celebrity would do if him/her saw you walking towards him/her then? He/she would probably be just as excited to see you as you are to see him/her.

That’s the way it is with JESUS. We can say we know JESUS and do things for JESUS. But unless we ask Him to forgive our sins and come live in our hearts there is no way JESUS can know us. JESUS longs to know us as friends. He wants to know everything about you. But He won’t untill we ask Him. When we repent of our sins and ask JESUS to be a part of our lives we give Him the best gift we could ever give. And I promise you it’s by far the most valuable treasure ever when JESUS comes into your heart and gives you life!

If you’d be willing check out these Bible verses and let us know what you think of them, John chapter 3 and Luke chapter 13 verses 22-30
We love you and are praying for you!
Beautifully said.
Jesus knows all about you. He is your Creator. He knows how many hairs are on your head.
Matthew 10:30 KJV
But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
He knows the innermost thoughts of your heart. He knows what you think and feel and need. But we cannot know Him until we let Him in. He says, I stand at the door and knock (Rev. 3:20). He does not force Himself in, He waits for an invitation.
Revelation 3:20 KJV
Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
What a wonderful thought, that the God and Creator of the universe wants to get to know YOU! Invite Him in and see what happens! 😊
@Loopeend, it sounds as if you are wondering what it is like to be a Christian. I do not want to try to make you into a Christian, only to answer your question. For me, it is the safest, most comforting feeling in the world! You see, I am weak but Jesus is strong. I am ignorant but Jesus has all wisdom. I am fearful but Jesus is peace. I do not know the future but Jesus does! I have nothing but He has everything. So when I give myself to Him every day, I have no fears, no worries. I know He will take care of all my needs. I know that even if I die today, He will raise me up in the resurrection and give me eternal life. In Him, I have no fear. In Him I have peace. And any mistake I make, He covers with His perfect life. I can face the judgment with confidence because of His love. I know I have committed sins worthy of death, but He died in my place. That's what it feels like to be a Christian. I am free because of Him. So I am peaceful and happy. Does that help?
Hi! It’s wonderful that are so compassionate! It takes great courage to be willing to walk through someone’s pain with them. And you are right, not many people are like that.

It’s one of the things I love the most about JESUS. He is always lifting people up and giving them worth and value.
But perhaps you are missing something? Please don‘t take this wrong, I only say this with love. I see that you have a caring heart and I admire that.

But let’s say there is a celebrity that you really admire. ( Can you think of one? 🙂) You listen to all he/she music or watch all he/she movies. Anytime there is a news update about he/she you stop to pay attention. If he/she go through a tragedy you are sad for them. If he/she has a success you celebrate with them.

And then one day, you see that celebrity walking towards you! You‘d probably be very excited right? ( I know I would😄)
So you go up to him/her and introduce yourself. What would you say? Perhaps you would tell him/her how much you admire his/her music or movies. That they inspire you. Maybe you’d ask him/her some questions about things you heard on the news.

For us, this meeting would be amazing! Something we would tell all our friends about and we would always remember.
But what do you think a celebrity feels like when someone comes up to them? Talking to them like we know them. Do you think they know us? Besides our names they wouldn’t know anything about us. And truthfully we don’t know anything about the celebrities we admire. We never eat dinner with them or see what they are like at home with their families. We just see what is put out on the media.

But what if we could be friends with our favorite celebrity? What if we could call each other or eat a meal together? What do you think that celebrity would do if him/her saw you walking towards him/her then? He/she would probably be just as excited to see you as you are to see him/her.

That’s the way it is with JESUS. We can say we know JESUS and do things for JESUS. But unless we ask Him to forgive our sins and come live in our hearts there is no way JESUS can know us. JESUS longs to know us as friends. He wants to know everything about you. But He won’t untill we ask Him. When we repent of our sins and ask JESUS to be a part of our lives we give Him the best gift we could ever give. And I promise you it’s by far the most valuable treasure ever when JESUS comes into your heart and gives you life!

If you’d be willing check out these Bible verses and let us know what you think of them, John chapter 3 and Luke chapter 13 verses 22-30
We love you and are praying for you!

I love your message and it made me smile. I am not starstruck... except on Dutch boillogist who could have been my father... and I know.. how he is going to react. Like D-word. he is good in science but social... an whole other story. He does not hide that; so I expect him to be a D. His fans annoy him.

I do not know if J.C. would invite me over for dinner and gladly eat with him. He might be a D too. Who knows. I only know; if He would invite me; I would not annoy him. I'm just present being a nice person when he wants to talk to me.
@Loopeend, it sounds as if you are wondering what it is like to be a Christian. I do not want to try to make you into a Christian, only to answer your question. For me, it is the safest, most comforting feeling in the world! You see, I am weak but Jesus is strong. I am ignorant but Jesus has all wisdom. I am fearful but Jesus is peace. I do not know the future but Jesus does! I have nothing but He has everything. So when I give myself to Him every day, I have no fears, no worries. I know He will take care of all my needs. I know that even if I die today, He will raise me up in the resurrection and give me eternal life. In Him, I have no fear. In Him I have peace. And any mistake I make, He covers with His perfect life. I can face the judgment with confidence because of His love. I know I have committed sins worthy of death, but He died in my place. That's what it feels like to be a Christian. I am free because of Him. So I am peaceful and happy. Does that help?

You are not wrong. I am indeed looking for God. I want to feel what you feel. But apprentently it does not work that way. Since child I have said I hope He calls for me. That I get a message that I am allowed too./he accepts me. I think that might have been too easy; He wants me to earn it. He does not come out of nothing, or by an angel that tells me 3 times the same thing so I know it is from God; He wants me to put effort in finding him.

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