prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Update: he broke both of his front, top teeth, they are almost completely chipped off, had to get stitches in his lips, and his face is greatly swollen. His baseball season has definitely come to an end, sadly.

Thank you for all the prayers! I really appreciate this thread and all the people in it.
Sorry to hear that Margo. How old is he?
Please be praying for my sister and I (we both have COVID)

She has pretty bad asthma, and I've just started feeling bad today, but I already have a fever, headache, and I took a 2 hour nap (which I rarely do) and I'm just feeling terrible in general. I'm missing out on a lot, too.

Praise, though:
My dogs birthday present came today. (New harnesses/leashes.)
Another praise:
Although I really don't feel great, I'm glad that it's not too bad. I'm grateful that I don't have to be in the hospital, and I still have BYC!
Update: he broke both of his front, top teeth, they are almost completely chipped off, had to get stitches in his lips, and his face is greatly swollen. His baseball season has definitely come to an end, sadly.

Thank you for all the prayers! I really appreciate this thread and all the people in it.
Aw, poor kid! That had to hurt. Hope he heals quickly. Once his teeth are capped and the swelling goes down he will be as pretty as ever. :hugs

The beauty of nature that surrounds us reminds us that God is love.

Psalm 19:1-3 KJV
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. [2] Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. [3] There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.

My paraphrase:

The heavens declare God's glory. As one day unfolds into the next, His wisdom is revealed; and as night follows day without a break, we perceive His knowledge, for He knows we need to work and He knows we need rest. All people, all around the world, regardless of what language they may speak, can understand the message of the cycle of day and night, that God indeed is loving and wise.
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The beauty of nature that surrounds us reminds us that God is love.

Psalm 19:1-3 KJV
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. [2] Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. [3] There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.

My paraphrase:

The heavens declare God's glory. As one day unfolds into the next, His wisdom is revealed; and as night follows day without a break, we perceive His knowledge, for He knows we need to work and He knows we need rest. All people, all around the world, regardless of what language they may speak, can understand the message of the cycle of day and night, that God indeed is loving and wise.
That flower reminds me of my mom's yard. She has three tulips that have grown and bloomed in the middle of her front yard. My dad mows around them for her🥰

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