prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

:hugs you are NOT alone!

There is a story in the Bible about a man in a town called Gadarenes. This story starts in Luke 8:26. It's also in Mark 5. He lived in a cave (homeless). He didn't wear clothes (socially inappropriate). He was kept bound with chains and fetters but he broke them, and the evil spirits in him drove him into the wilderness. Mark 5 says he cut himself with sharp stones (self mutilation), and that he cried out among the tombs (Tourette's?). When Jesus cast a legion of demons out of him (could have been several thousand), and into a herd of pigs, those pigs committed suicide by running down into the sea where they drowned - imagine that poor man, resisting those destructive demons inside him all the time! But at the word of the Lord, they departed, leaving him in peace, free and in his right mind.

There was a time in my life when I felt like this man and I was in despair. God brought this event to my mind, and He told me He could set me free. All I had to do was ask! And ask I did! With tears! Desperately, with all my heart. And I kept asking, until I fell asleep. And when I woke the next morning, I knew I was healed. Oh, it wasn't 100% all at once, but for the first time in years I was at peace. The impulses urging me to kill myself, telling me I didn't deserve to live, were silenced. I still had to get a diagnosis (bipolar) and get on the right medication, but it was clear sailing after that. For the first time in years, I had hope.

God knows what you need. And He will answer YOUR prayers. All you have to do is ask. Just tell Him what you want, what you need. "Lord, I'm scared. I'm lonely. Help me to know I'm not alone. Let me know You're there, that You care. Show me what to do, and help me to do it." Just talk to Him from your heart. You can't shock or surprise Him, He already knows! Just ... let Him in. ❤️ Let Him heal you.
So very true!
Mine has always been the woman with bleeding issues for 12 years....she thought if only she could "touch" the hem of His garment she would be healed.
It was in my deepest darkness that I realized He's always holding onto me! Even when all I can do is lay and cry Jesus! He has got me and He's got you too @TheDawg !
I'm praying for all the followers of Jesus around the world that we would have ears to hear and eyes to see just how HE is at work and trust HIS way, HIS timing, and not be tossed by the "waves" going on within or around us as we go about bringing HIM glory today!
We serve a MIGHTY GOD, oh so faithful and true!
Lord help us, give us Your strength and Your guidance.
In Jesus' name
So very true!
Mine has always been the woman with bleeding issues for 12 years....she thought if only she could "touch" the hem of His garment she would be healed.
It was in my deepest darkness that I realized He's always holding onto me! Even when all I can do is lay and cry Jesus! He has got me and He's got you too @TheDawg !
It feels like my mind is a prison and I’m trapped in it tbh. And it’s always winter in this prison. Cold and dark. 😭

Sorry to get depressing but it’s true :oops:
Depression is crushing sometimes, it squeezes the life right out of your soul, as if someone is sitting on your chest. :hugs I've been there.
That’s exactly how it feels 😭 thank you :hugs
Hard to breathe, can't think, everything looks negative, anxiety off the charts, you wish you were...well you know. It's difficult to shake off, fair days, bad days, you nailed it with the word "prison". You are not alone in this struggle. :hugs
Hard to breathe, can't think, everything looks negative, anxiety off the charts, you wish you were...well you know. It's difficult to shake off, fair days, bad days, you nailed it with the word "prison". You are not alone in this struggle. :hugs
That’s exactly it! You nailed it too. Everything you’ve described is so accurate. Thank you :hugs
That’s exactly it! You nailed it too. Everything you’ve described is so accurate. Thank you :hugs
We will get through it, eventually. :D One of my problems is I think too much, over analyze everything. Pushes me deeper into darkness. I am working on not letting myself go there, taking better care of myself too. And keep breathing deeply, shallow breathing will send your anxiety and depression into bad places. :hugs
We will get through it, eventually. :D One of my problems is I think too much, over analyze everything. Pushes me deeper into darkness. I am working on not letting myself go there, taking better care of myself too. And keep breathing deeply, shallow breathing will send your anxiety and depression into bad places. :hugs
I do the exact same thing. Huge overthinker. We are very similar apparently. I do need to work on all that though. Do you overanalyze and/or dwell on the past? Cause I do. And beat myself up.

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