prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Prayers for my ManChild, 16. Off to spend the summer in Kansas City, selling Christian literature to raise funds for his tuition next year at a Christian (Seventh-day Adventist) academy. He'll be a junior. Thanks!
That was supposed to be posted Sunday. Guess I was too sleepy to hit Post!
Could use a lot of prayers once again. Sorry to keep asking but it’s sort of an ongoing thing.
No need to apologize. We are told in Scripture to pray for one another and also to bear one another's burdens. Also, DH and I were just reading tonight of the importance of believing, when we pray, that God hears and answers prayers. Therefore, if we ask according to His will, we can know that we ALREADY HAVE what we've asked for. Example, if we ask for forgiveness of our sins, or for wisdom, or stronger faith, or courage, or strength to resist temptation - these are all things we KNOW He wants us to have! He is not going to say, Nah, I don't think so! These promises are YES and Amen in Him. So when we pray we can say THANK YOU for hearing my prayer and for already GIVING me this gift, for I am asking it according to Your will - that is, asking in Your name, and I praise You for it.

Ask. Believe. Claim. The ABC of Prayer. And keep on praying and Praising. Every day. Just like we need physical food, we need spiritual food, every single day. Or really, just like we need to BREATHE, we need to pray. And keep reminding us to do the same. But don't apologize! *I* should apologize! Because without these reminders, I forget! And I'm sorry! But Jesus never, NEVER forgets you! You are engraved FOREVER on the palms of His hands. He hears your prayers too, Sister, as well as ours. We're not special. Our prayers are not magic. We're just here to encourage. He loves you! ❤️
PS - I prayed for 17 years for deliverance from the slavery of nicotine, so I understand the need for "ongoing" prayer! I've been nicotine free, by His grace for 13+ years now! Whatever your battle, keep praying. "Your faith is the victory." Isn't that cool? Victory is not the victory. Your FAITH is the victory. Keep trusting. Keep believing. Leave the rest to Him. He can do what we cannot. ❤️

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