Premier1 poultry fencing neighbor complaint PICS ADDED

I started reading all this but it was getting me sucked in. I don't need to do that but why can't a friend come and talk to you about something they find unsightly? A friend would do that in my opinion instead of festering and it affecting the boy's relationship in the end. I think it looks bad and I live in the country away from any of those HOA rules cause well we've been there done that. It is very close to her front yard. I take pride in what's outside my front door and would find that ugly and try to find a balance if my friend did that to me. Hope you have a gentle heart and try to work with her.

I do think there is a balance though. Ditating what someone can or can't have rather than telling someone something bothers them is different. I facebooked my neighbor to make sure our rooster wasn't bothering her in the mornings. He was just getting obnoxious. When she said we hear him but are up anyway I moved him to the big girls coop. We live in a valley and they live up a cliff across the street. I asked her yesterday in person if it was better and she smiled with a big YES it is.
I'd plant some bushes nest to the road if you are allowed and let her look at the bushes. TALL ONES.
Unless you have an attorney in the association willing to donate his/her time, you have to hire an attorney. There are plenty of htem out there, just make sure you find one who commonly works with real estate (a family or criminal law attorney is unlikely to be up on the laws dealing with HOAs, which will cause them to spend more research time, which will cost more), and is also balanced in their viewpoint as far as the relationship between the members and the association.

Depending on your state laws and your association documents, what can or cannot be done in the case of violations varies--all the way from nothing, to fining to foreclosing on the home. If there are common areas, they may be able to forbid their use by those in violation. If there is no violation of the association documents, the association cannot do anything whatsoever.
Okay, read throught the whole dang thread. Plantings that screen are one option, and your home looks new enough that I would imagine that you still have landscaping in mind. Start doing some of it now. Smaller (so that they are less expensive), fast growing, attractive trees and shrubs along the property line.

Also, talk to the teachers at school and see if they are interested in hatching eggs--most teachers jump at the chance. Let her know that you are willing to take back chicks if there are not enough kids that are allowed to have one, but that they are available.

Consider starting a 4H club in the neighborhood. Offer fresh eggs to neighbors occasionally. Offer to set several neighbors up with her first chicks.

In our neighborhood the women (mostly, but occasionally one or two of the men show up) get together about once a month for coffee. Everyone brings some sort of food--fruit, cheese & crackers, coffee cake, you name it. Kids too young for school come along, too. It rotates between homes, and is pretty much an open invite to the neighborhood. It really promotes neighborliness and friendships.

I personally think your fence looks fine, although I will echo the concern about your birds hopping/flying over it. The only types of fencing material we are disallowed is strand wire or wooden fencing. Oh, and the complaint that about it not being appropriate to a subdivision with half million dollar homes, my HOA has a number of million dollar homes, including some with chickens.
that's what i call it, but the deal is: i was here first--before all of 'em!

I really sympathize with you. My son moved into a development like that and they are regretting it. She does day care. They had the house designed with that specifically in mind. After they moved in they almost were not allowed to run the daycare even tho it was discussed and agreed upon before hand. I'll take my 20 acres in the middle of nowhere, thank-you.

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