Pretty sure she's egg bound...


6 Years
Apr 3, 2016
Central Maine
3yo buff hen.

  • two weeks of off behavior

  • very quiet

  • eating and pooping

  • pulsating of the hind end

  • odd eggs; one large, one soft, one occurrence of small soft eggs connected together

  • watery eyes

  • discharge from the cloaca; not smelly

Have soaked her a few times and she laid a very large egg and she seemed to be better.


  • looked uncomfortable to walk

  • fell forward twice using while using wings to steady her

I brought her in immediately, soaked her, set up the kennel and she has been inside alone, in the dark all day. She did eat and drink this mormmor. I have massaged her multiple times and applied oil since.

  • still a discharge

  • very heavy breathing, then some normal breathing

  • drinking little water

  • not interested in food

  • can't stand for more than a few seconds

What else can I do??
Go as fast as you can to Tractor Supply and get some calcium gluconate. Give her at least 1 ml or more of it either by syringe or over meal worms or something you know she will eat. She will be fine!
Can you try feeling inside of her for broken egg? Be careful with soaking her as I’ve read some horror stories about it being too much for sick chickens and killing them. Try turning the shower on and letting the steam help. You can also try some VetRX for the respiratory issues, kind of like a Vick’s rub. I would give her a high dose of calcium right away. You can crush up some tums in a little water and syringe feed her them if she won’t on her own. Does her abdomen feel distended? This happened to one of my chickens and I did the above and she laid a shell-less egg and was immediately better. Hope this helps and keep us updated
I don't feel an egg in or out.
Okay well she needs calcium right away. If possible go to the store and get calcium gluconate. If that’s not possible then tums is a good second option. You can also give nutridrench straight for a pack of vitamins to help with dehydration from not drinking. That always perks my birds right up and might help her lay whichever kind of egg is making her sick
I have one runner girl that gets like this all the time and I'm getting good at this. Give her at least 1ml of calcium gluconate, maybe a bit more @casportpony? I think last week I gave about 1.5 ml and she was fine the next day. I use a syringe with an angiocath sheath about 3" long to make sure I get it down the right hole.

You could put some over something she will eat but if yours is like mine she won't eat so I just syringe her. I also dyed her vent with blue food coloring to see if she lays an egg. My 6 girl's eggs all look the same so I had to do that.

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