Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

Thank you all! Now... Do I understand correctly that they need to sit in the frige for 48 hour before going in the freezer? Lanky as they are, i am not sure that I have enough room for 9 in my refrigerator... I wonder if I will have to process half one weekend and half the other.
Thank you all! Now... Do I understand correctly that they need to sit in the frige for 48 hour before going in the freezer? Lanky as they are, i am not sure that I have enough room for 9 in my refrigerator... I wonder if I will have to process half one weekend and half the other.
A fridge or a cooler on ice. I like the cooler on ice myself.

Keep in mind that you will be slow when you first do it. 3 or 4 birds is probably going to take you a few hours. I like to do an assembly line type process, doing the same task for all of the birds - then moving on to the next task.
Thank you all! Now... Do I understand correctly that they need to sit in the frige for 48 hour before going in the freezer? Lanky as they are, i am not sure that I have enough room for 9 in my refrigerator... I wonder if I will have to process half one weekend and half the other.

Personally, I just do 24 hour rest before freezing. If I want it for supper that night, I rinse in ice water really well, then put in the crockpot. No rest time requed. Slow cook for about. 3-4 hours, the meat will literally fall off the bone!
I had my hen for dinner...

I butchered her Monday morning, stuck her in brine (bunch of table salt into water) on Tuesday evening. Slow roasted her Wednesday evening on 275F for 2-3 hours in a covered roasting pan. She was a very fatty bird, but slow roasting cooked most of that out. I cranked up the heat in the end to crisp up the skin. The legs were a tad chewy but tasty, probably a better meat for stewing, but the breast was fantastic, really not very dry at all.

Very, very tasty. So there you have it, 1 1/2 year old hen is still roastable (a question I had asked in the past).

I had my hen for dinner...

I butchered her Monday morning, stuck her in brine (bunch of table salt into water) on Tuesday evening. Slow roasted her Wednesday evening on 275F for 2-3 hours in a covered roasting pan. She was a very fatty bird, but slow roasting cooked most of that out. I cranked up the heat in the end to crisp up the skin. The legs were a tad chewy but tasty, probably a better meat for stewing, but the breast was fantastic, really not very dry at all.

Very, very tasty. So there you have it, 1 1/2 year old hen is still roastable (a question I had asked in the past).

Great job!! I like the flavor of roasted so I'm with you on roasting even if stewed is the p referred method.

I have several 3 years old hens I"m still working up to butchering . . . .
Hello you guys n gals! I wanted to share the part of my BYC vip interview with all of you who helped me get through our first processing just in case you never run into the write up! I know a few have already, but seriously, I cant tell you how much y'all mean to me and helping me take that big big emotional step!

Slaughtered my first couple ducks today. The first one took a little longer to die than expected, but we refined our technique for #2. My husband stayed inside and wasn't a part of the ordeal at all. I am upset now and he lit into me for not killing #1 fast enough. I dont feel like I did anything wrong, as I did my best with the knowledge that I had. I don't like airing emotions online, but I'm not sure where else would even understand.
Slaughtered my first couple ducks today. The first one took a little longer to die than expected, but we refined our technique for #2. My husband stayed inside and wasn't a part of the ordeal at all. I am upset now and he lit into me for not killing #1 fast enough. I dont feel like I did anything wrong, as I did my best with the knowledge that I had. I don't like airing emotions online, but I'm not sure where else would even understand.

Mmm he can't leave you to it then moan you didn't do it right,
Well done I'm very impressed you managed to do it, I'm full of admiration for people that can kill and eat their animals
I'd never be self sufficient !!!
Why to soft but I never thought I'd do an eggtopsy when I joined BYC and I did so who knows,

You can't be hard on yourself, you learnt from it for the next one
Well done again hope you enjoy your duck( love duck yum)
Yes, we do understand :hugs ... it is difficult to go through the first experience, and in your situation it was no doubt made harder by not having the extra support. But each experience will improve your skill and speed. You can be proud of yourself for getting it done and don't allow yourself to become discouraged. I'm glad you came to us to vent! Hopefully we can help if needed and make it a bit easier just by knowing you aren't alone! There are a whole bunch of us out here who were in your shoes at some point and in another year or so (or after a few more butcher days) you will be able to provide the support to someone else who is facing their first experience.;)
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