Proud New "Mama Hen"


In the Brooder
Mar 15, 2018
Upstate SC
I am a week in on my chicken journey and I am bursting at the seams to share my sweeties with everyone!! I have taken so many pics since we got the chicks a week ago, but I was actually able to get individual pics this morning and organize them in some sort of way. We have settled on names (between myself, my husband, and our three boys...that took a while!) and the odd part is I am almost certain the two that my youngest named with boy names are gonna end up being Roos :hmm:hmm but we shall see as time goes by:fl If anyone has ideas on if I am correct though feel free to share with me, but that's not where I am heading with this post. Everyone is 10 days today. Sooooo here they are...


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"Chicalettea Cheese Ball"

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Well there you have it...our brand new family members!!! Thanks for letting me share:love


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