Pyxis' Emu Chat Thread

Emu pictures! For some reason the lighting kept washing Desi's color out, he's not really quite that light brown.

Playing with a stick:



And here's Ciara:


I was trying to put down some grass seed in the hopes that I could get some grass to grow in their run, which the birds have turned into a mud put (likely a futile attempt) and Ciara decided she liked the grass seed, so she kept following me around the entire time trying to eat grass seed out of my hand. I did end up giving her a couple bites, of course :p

They're looking really good Pyxis! Good luck with that grass growing venture :lol:
They seem to be in fine condition. And keep struggling with the 'feral-food project': grass, weeds that bear flowers, fruit trees

I've got a big apple tree that extends over the run and drops apples, but I might look into some other fruit trees too. I'm thinking for now at least I might do some wheat grass sprouting in planters that I can put in the run.
I'd like to setup a fodder system for winter, but still having issues with managing temps. Once I close down the brooder for the year, I'm gonna try to put it on it's side and slide it up against the wall of the barn so I can setup my 5x5 grow tent. Then I'll see what kind of temps I can maintain with electric space heaters.

The good news is they can still get out and about and forage during most days down here. I plant winter greens in the fall so hopefully some of them will green up.
I've got a big apple tree that extends over the run and drops apples, but I might look into some other fruit trees too. I'm thinking for now at least I might do some wheat grass sprouting in planters that I can put in the run.
I have a plum tree that the girls get to eat dropped plums from. The eggs are very good then too!
I'd like to setup a fodder system for winter, but still having issues with managing temps. Once I close down the brooder for the year, I'm gonna try to put it on it's side and slide it up against the wall of the barn so I can setup my 5x5 grow tent. Then I'll see what kind of temps I can maintain with electric space heaters.

The good news is they can still get out and about and forage during most days down here. I plant winter greens in the fall so hopefully some of them will green up.
Do you have a green house? Making trays of sprouted greens and taking them out to the flock might work too
I do, but that's the winter housing for the birds. I need to clear and level more land so I can put up more. I bend my own hoops out of fence railing.

ETA: Sorry Pyxis, didn't mean to hijack your thread.
I suppose to keep this from being a hijac we should say Pyxis's emus might like fodder!
I do, but that's the winter housing for the birds. I need to clear and level more land so I can put up more. I bend my own hoops out of fence railing.

ETA: Sorry Pyxis, didn't mean to hijack your thread.

I suppose to keep this from being a hijac we should say Pyxis's emus might like fodder!

No worries, it's a chat thread :)

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