Quail Aviary 2.0

It all looks great!
I love the variety in the eggs. Is the white one from a color that's supposed to lay pure white eggs? It's such a contrast against the others.

Thanks! Only three or four are laying right now. The white one's a fluke—it came out early before she could fully "shellac" it. Pretty, though! The girls lay a nice spectrum of eggs—green-ish to brown-ish, some with bigger speckles and some with smaller:



I wonder if they lay a similar pattern to the shell they hatched out of, or if it's more variable across generations?
IT'S DONE! The construction part, anyway. Dirt arrives tomorrow—then begins the shoveling.


Lets in plenty of light, but no big quail-eating critters!

This door is much sturdier than the first one. Found it's easier to keep things square if you put in nail plates and angles before you toe in screws.


With all hardware in place.


That is a beautiful aviary! Your quail are going to be very happy in there.

How many are you going to keep now?

Thanks! I think they'll like it. :) City ordinance says 12 is a good number for my urban acreage (but I might aim for ~20 :D). The eggs I'd want to hatch only come in shipments of 24, so I'll be adding on by ~12 per hatch unless one of my girls goes broody and does her own.

I have a bit of a roo issue right now—I thought I could make it work with 2 boys, but I may have picked the most territorial of the first hatch. If the tripled space doesn't reduce their chasing/pecking, I already know which one needs to go. :hmm Both, if the other roo turns out to be a jerk.
Thank you! Healthier, happier birds is what I'm aiming for.

Absolutely more happy and healthy. In the wild quail mill around under brush, they move around, build nests, sleep in protected spots, and by creating a more natural environment, they feel as if they are just as free as their wild cousins.

I used fake Christmas trees to make brush piles, hay for litter which they used to make nests, they were in heaven! Caged quail just don't develop all they can be. I kept quail for about 11 years, all my quail lived to 6-7+ years old during this time and I believe it was because of the freedom of aviaries.

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