Quail Aviary 2.0

Having live plants/soil seems to help so much with the heat—all that evaporating water is like a natural mister. Please post pics of your chicks when you finally let them out—are they all different colors like the older ones?

I made a couple "eggs" on Saturday. They don't look quite right, but I hope it's enough to convince the birds.
View attachment 1747810

My tiny hen, Little Lady, got defensive over an irregularly-shaped clump of dirt yesterday and pecked my hand when I tried to move her. The clod was warm when she finally moved, like she'd been sitting on it a while. Set it aside and when I came back she'd moved it under he again :rolleyes:. I hope they fine my fakes as attractive as dirt :lol:.

That's very good! I like the polka dot nails too :lol:

Have you tried them out yet? What do the think?

I took snaps in the aviary this morning so I'll be updating soon. The newbies are just wild types, no colors this time.
My uncle's a contractor so he has all the tools. I've helped him do work at our house, I just lack the upper body strength to hold things. I'm totally fine hammering, snipping, drilling, sanding, caulking, painting, and planing. Plus I'd rather him be there to help set the posts in cement too...that's all I'd need. Crooked posts :he I told him if he helps he can have quail eggs whenever he wants haha. CL around here is sad, lots of overpriced junk no one needs.
I'm so bad at drawing apps so hopefully it won't be too bad. I use my galaxy tab4 to do everything these days, usually has enough brains to run stuff quickly.

I might start posting some pics. The straight before/after are going to be stark.

I do have one I think my mom got it at a thrift. It wobbles quite violently.

Oh! Take more pictures than you think you'll want. I thought I was taking a ton, but there are still big gaps in the visual "story." I'm excited for you to get to start—one step closer to birds!

That's very good! I like the polka dot nails too :lol:

Have you tried them out yet? What do the think?

I took snaps in the aviary this morning so I'll be updating soon. The newbies are just wild types, no colors this time.

I tried them out and the hens seemed mostly indifferent. I don't know if it was the wight or color throwing them off, but they definitely didn't treat them like real eggs. I took them out after a few days to avoid stressing them out.

Saw your chick pics—so cute, even in wild type colors! I hope they enjoy their time in there for as long as you have them.
I've decided not to paint the hardware cloth on the aviary this year. I'll still be doing some test patches on scrap wire for anyone else who'd like to try it.

The Muhly grasses are a big hit—the birds love lounging around the bases, and I'm starting to find eggs there. However, one of the fescues has been eaten to the ground, and the other two are soon to follow if I don't cage them in.



Found a weird egg the other day, almost like all the "color" had been applied too thickly at one end and dripped down over the shell.

I've let the separated groups of quail back together—so far, no fighting :fl. Fewer eggs in the last week or so, which is to be expected. I just hope, with all that space, they can avoid confrontation a bit easier.
Your quail lay the prettiest eggs! I'm way behind schedule on my aviary. But I found a kid to help dig out the invasive plants so hopefully that fast tracks me

Unless they're toxic or thorny, I don't think you need to remove the plants. Just build the aviary around them and let the quail go at em! Or put a goat on a leash in the area, if you can find a goat and a leash.
Your quail lay the prettiest eggs! I'm way behind schedule on my aviary. But I found a kid to help dig out the invasive plants so hopefully that fast tracks me

Thank you—I love their eggs too. I had an odd one today: cracked before it was laid. Looks like the shell pigment filled in the cracks. I think the hen might have "boinked" into a wall—so glad it came out in one piece.


It is st johns wort. It is semi toxic and will get in the way of the structure

This is what our yard looked like before we started clearing it.

Can't even name what was growing, but my mom sure didn't want it there :lau. It took a weekend to hoe and shovel out the whole thing—hard, itchy work. Whatever it takes to make the job easier and more sound later.

Once you get going, I bet your project will take off—just takes all the groundwork-laying first. Remember, too, that you can hatch and raise chicks year-round. I'm excited to see how your build goes.
Thank you—I love their eggs too. I had an odd one today: cracked before it was laid. Looks like the shell pigment filled in the cracks. I think the hen might have "boinked" into a wall—so glad it came out in one piece.

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This is what our yard looked like before we started clearing it.
View attachment 1765873
Can't even name what was growing, but my mom sure didn't want it there :lau. It took a weekend to hoe and shovel out the whole thing—hard, itchy work. Whatever it takes to make the job easier and more sound later.

Once you get going, I bet your project will take off—just takes all the groundwork-laying first. Remember, too, that you can hatch and raise chicks year-round. I'm excited to see how your build goes.
Yeah this weekend should be the tipping point. I sharpened my spade and shovel last night. Gotta do pruners and loppers tomorrow. The root masses on the plant are like 6 inches deep under another 6 or so inches of dead stalks. Plants have been here probably 50 yrs? Gonna be fun
Yeah this weekend should be the tipping point. I sharpened my spade and shovel last night. Gotta do pruners and loppers tomorrow. The root masses on the plant are like 6 inches deep under another 6 or so inches of dead stalks. Plants have been here probably 50 yrs? Gonna be fun

I wish you luck and fair weather—that kind of work can get really -->:th.
So my rooster is after some of the hens again. It seems there's only two hens he's interested in mating—all the others get ignored, some even get chased.


It's stressing the poor girls out (evidenced by slowdown in laying + a couple shell-less eggs), so I'm building a door I can close between the two aviaries. It's much more peaceful when each group has their own space—so grateful I've got the room to make that happen.

All the bird drama can't stop me from ordering hatching eggs :D—got a mixed batch coming by then end of the month. I hope to have chicks real soon!

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