quail tractors

Could you share with me your tractor design for quail?

Dave There are soo many designs out there. Go to Google and type in quail tractor and look at the images... you can type things like "DIY Poultry Tractor" or DIY up-cycled Poultry Tractor... etc.... or you could do what I did and purchase one that would be easy to assemble. The only reason I broke my golden law and bought one is because I found a very sweet deal. I'm such a penny pincher and normally would rather build one myself..

I will however mention there was an oversight in my order.. I purchased a coop and run with a ramp leading to the coop. I have heard you can train some quails to use the ramp, however I also ready mixed reports of how some quails just wont use it.
I put a clay plant pot on its side in the pen and 1-2 eggs are usually in it. Might be an idea to make egg collecting easier, as they are territorial, attach some post to the tractor sides somehow? Add a little hay perhaps?
is it worth putting the boys in a tractor? or the girls?. I was thinking about getting some and putting them in the backyard. in a tractor to cut down on cleaning. Has anyone got this system to work out and how long do you keep them in one spot if you did?

I keep my birds in tractors all year round. I'm in Texas in which winter temperatures are not extreme. I also live in a suburban setting which limits the amount of predators that come into my back yard... I try to move the tractors once a week, but I don't always have time. The birds seem to enjoy a new patch of turf. In the mornings there's bunches of insects that come out of the dirt and the birds feast. I keep feed in there. Usually it takes them about 3 days to eat a 4'x6' patch of grass bare. They eat all the green growing from the dirt and then they tear out the roots till there's only dirt left... Then they roll around in it :). I would recommend using this method. I see cats at night messing with the tractors but I've been keeping them like this for a year and do far no casualties. (Except for one I ran over the first time I moved one).
How quickly does your grass grow back once you move your tractor. I used to use a tractor with chickens and I could see a definite track of green where the tractor had been. I was wondering if the quail were the same way.

How quickly does your grass grow back once you move your tractor. I used to use a tractor with chickens and I could see a definite track of green where the tractor had been. I was wondering if the quail were the same way.


About a week. It depends on the weather and the amount of time the tractor stays on it. I read on here that spraying the area with water after the tractor's been moved helps speed the process.

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