Questions About Golden Lakenvelders!!!


12 Years
Oct 29, 2007
Well i have 10 Golden Lakenvelder Eggs in the bator right now and I cant wait for them to hatch.
Ive always seen the white and black color but never the golden, which i fell in love with, Ive been wanting Lakenvelders for along time now.

I was wondering if any of you all have had experience with these birds.
What are some pro's and con's
any speacial treatment??
I may want to start breeding these birds and start my owne (SMALL) business with these and my OEG's.

Thanks For the help
Heres what Henderson says:

"well adaptable to confinement or free range; flyer; flighty, avoids human contact..."

"non-setter, cold hardy, early maturing..."

"Developed in Germany in early 19th century. Golden Lakenvelders are not standard. Vorwerk is a bantam with the black/gold/black pattern. Small, white eggs...."

From feathersite:

"The hens lay white eggs and are non-setters. Males weigh 5 to6 pounds and females from 3 to 4.5 pounds. With their strongly contrasting colors, these birds are quite striking when at range on a grassy area.

From OK:
"They are quite small, non-broody, lay white shelled eggs and are rather wild and flighty."

I had a Lakenvelder cross once. She wouldnt come near me and was indeed flighty. Give them food, water, cleanliness, dry housing and pred protection and leave them alone. They'll do what any chicken will.
I have 12 chicks that me and my game hen hatched out.
They are go getter's from the get go. They are just starting to feather out still have some fluff. I can't wait to see how they do.
My goal is to sell hatching eggs from them, and some started chicks.
I have 2 5 day old cockerels in my batch... I really wanted a Lakenvelder roo! They are gorgeous! (I have the silver ones though). I can't wait to see them grown up!

This is them fresh "out of the box"
The blue dot the hatchery painted on their heads
Who knows... they might turn out to be girls... but I bought them sexed...

(I should have made up some sort of chick sexing super-power here.. but I'm not that good!)

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